Live. Laugh. Lobotomy.
Welcome, brave souls, to Lobotomy US-Stormrage —a casual, cross-realm, and cross-faction guild where our members embrace the chaos of Azeroth! We’re a casual yet dedicated World of Warcraft guild formed by veteran players who thrive on dark humor, good vibes, and a dash of insanity!
Our goal? To achieve Heroic AOTC while keeping the fun alive! We met our AOTC goal in Season 1 and plan on doing it again for Season 2.
Raid Info:
- Heroic - Thurs & Fri 8p-11p EST
- Normal - Tues 8p-11p EST
- TWW Season 1: AOTC Achieved! 8/8H
Heroic Team Needs:
-Back up tanks/healsNormal/Alt Night:
-Recruiting all
What We Offer:
- Veteran Leadership: Our leaders are seasoned WoW players who value a supportive, fun, and inclusive atmosphere.
- Casual Raiding: Experience heroic content without the pressure. We aim for AOTC while having fun!
- M+ Madness: Dive into mythic plus dungeons with a laid-back crew. Push keys and share laughs! Wednesdays are our designated day, but just use our #lfg channel in discord anytime!
- Fun Events: Participate in an active calendar of events - themed nights, community games, and other delightful distractions.
- Old Raids & Transmog Runs: Relive epic encounters while hunting for those rare achievements and coveted transmogs.
- Cross-Realm & Cross-Faction: Play with friends across realms and factions. Everyone’s welcome!
- Fun & Friendly Community: We believe in fostering a welcoming environment where every player feels at home. A lot of us are 40+, have families, day jobs, etc so daytime activity during the week is kinda lacking - but we’re all quite active in the evenings and we’re active throughout the day in discord.
Who We’re Looking For:
- Interest in Casual + Heroic Raiding: If you’re aiming for Heroic AOTC in a laid-back setting, this is the place for you. *Shortened raid schedule - attendance is important. We expect people to show up prepared, ie. knowledge of spec, fights, personal consumables, gem, chants.
Toxic egos need not apply
- Interest in Casual Normal Raiding: If you’re interested in a normal fun run where alts are welcome - we’ve got that.
- Positive Attitudes: We value respect, teamwork, and a good sense of humor.
- Players of All Levels: Whether you’re a seasoned raider or a casual player, you’re welcome here.
- Players who love the game and don’t take themselves too seriously.
- Folks who enjoy a mix of progression and casual play.
- Anyone looking to have a blast while tackling the challenges of Azeroth!
If you’re ready to embrace the madness and enjoy a mix of fun and progression, Lobotomy is the place for you! Contact us in-game or message one of our members to learn more! Let’s venture into the darkness together and emerge victorious!
To join:
Visit our discord -
Message Us:
Val - Valgasm#1544
Sokar - AzMick#11864
Justo - Justo#1304
Phage - Phage#1883Check out our Season 2 kills on Youtube: @LobotomyWoW