Lobotomy - US AOTC - LFM DPS - H Thurs & Fri 8p-11p EST, N Tues 8p-11p EST

:brain:Live. Laugh. Lobotomy.:brain:

Welcome, brave souls, to Lobotomy US-Stormrage —a casual, cross-realm, and cross-faction guild where our members embrace the chaos of Azeroth! We’re a casual yet dedicated World of Warcraft guild formed by veteran players who thrive on dark humor, good vibes, and a dash of insanity!

Our goal? To achieve Heroic AOTC while keeping the fun alive! We met our AOTC goal in Season 1 and plan on doing it again for Season 2.

Raid Info:

  • Heroic - Thurs & Fri 8p-11p EST
  • Normal - Tues 8p-11p EST
  • TWW Season 1: AOTC Achieved! 8/8H

Heroic Team Needs:
-Back up tanks/heals

Normal/Alt Night:
-Recruiting all

What We Offer:

  • Veteran Leadership: Our leaders are seasoned WoW players who value a supportive, fun, and inclusive atmosphere.
  • Casual Raiding: Experience heroic content without the pressure. We aim for AOTC while having fun!
  • M+ Madness: Dive into mythic plus dungeons with a laid-back crew. Push keys and share laughs! Wednesdays are our designated day, but just use our #lfg channel in discord anytime!
  • Fun Events: Participate in an active calendar of events - themed nights, community games, and other delightful distractions.
  • Old Raids & Transmog Runs: Relive epic encounters while hunting for those rare achievements and coveted transmogs.
  • Cross-Realm & Cross-Faction: Play with friends across realms and factions. Everyone’s welcome!
  • Fun & Friendly Community: We believe in fostering a welcoming environment where every player feels at home. A lot of us are 40+, have families, day jobs, etc so daytime activity during the week is kinda lacking - but we’re all quite active in the evenings and we’re active throughout the day in discord.

Who We’re Looking For:

  • Interest in Casual + Heroic Raiding: If you’re aiming for Heroic AOTC in a laid-back setting, this is the place for you. *Shortened raid schedule - attendance is important. We expect people to show up prepared, ie. knowledge of spec, fights, personal consumables, gem, chants. :no_entry:Toxic egos need not apply :no_entry:
  • Interest in Casual Normal Raiding: If you’re interested in a normal fun run where alts are welcome - we’ve got that.
  • Positive Attitudes: We value respect, teamwork, and a good sense of humor.
  • Players of All Levels: Whether you’re a seasoned raider or a casual player, you’re welcome here.
  • Players who love the game and don’t take themselves too seriously.
  • Folks who enjoy a mix of progression and casual play.
  • Anyone looking to have a blast while tackling the challenges of Azeroth!

If you’re ready to embrace the madness and enjoy a mix of fun and progression, Lobotomy is the place for you! Contact us in-game or message one of our members to learn more! Let’s venture into the darkness together and emerge victorious!

To join:
Visit our discord - discord.gg/joinlobotomy
Message Us:
Val - Valgasm#1544
Sokar - AzMick#11864
Justo - Justo#1304
Phage - Phage#1883

Check out our Season 2 kills on Youtube: @LobotomyWoW



Come join us cool peeps fun times!

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Hello there I am interested Discord is Degru87

In need of a returning/learning warlock?

Absolutely! Feel free to join our discord.

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Hey we are now 8/8N and 4/8H! We are looking for all kinds of players and skill lvls!! Please reach out to us!!!

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Looking for a tank, a healer (preferably one that has os dps), ranged dps. Will take more melee once we get more ranged.

Happy Anniversary patch day!! As a member of this guild please feel free to join us and reach out!! We always make fun a priority!!

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Happy Hump Day! Still looking for more ranged dps and another healer.

Hey we are still looking for more heals and ranged dps! come check us out!!

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Are you a healer looking for a solid home? Join us!

Just and update we are now 5/8 H and still looking for a healer and ranged dps!! come check us out lots of laid back cool peeps who just want to have some fun!!

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Last nights alt run was awesome! Still looking for a full time healer for our heroic raid. Also, ranged dps - all other dps/tanks will be considered as many of our team are flexible.

Sending this up!

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We are now 6/8 still, looking for heals and ranged. Would really like solid healers that can be there every week! Please feel free to reach out to us!

6/8 this past week! Join us for normal tonight, BFD on Thurs and sign up for heroic on Fri & Sat!

Hey 6/8 heroic! Please check us out!! Heroic again tonight!

We’re changing our raid days! Now raiding heroic on Thurs and Fri!

Stop reading and send your invite today! Free balloons for the kids!

Still don’t have a mage. Would love some back up tanks. But really just looking for solid, reliable dps who will show up each week.