Loading Screens Randomly Dimming/Lighting

When loading in the loading screens are randomly flickering between light and dim… Almost like the gamma is being dropped/raised randomly on them.


I’m having the same issue. Only happens on loading screens. I updated my Nvidia drivers to the most recent release in hopes of it being fixed after that but it still continues.

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I’m having it happen to. I thought maybe an addon was causing it, but I turned them all off and it still happened. Kinda annoying.

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I’m having the same issue along with random disconnects.

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Same here, it’s actually giving me a headache now. I worry though for people with epilepsy.

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There other post about this where Blizz answered. More display problems - #4 by Bahlthazar-exodar

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Same issue here. Kind of annoying.

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Yea Ditto… Same here… I even tried taking my backup copy of WoW and seeing if it was a file corrupted. But after updating it, same same…

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Mhm, ever since Tuesday’s patch- any loading screen has flickering between lighter and darker. I have the latest Nvidia driver and my PC and game are running the same resolution. I didn’t change anything on my end.

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Hi Affected Users,

I am having the same issues with dimming and Brightening during loading screen only. I suspect its related to in-game settings with Brightness, contrast and gamma settings.

What i did was goto System> Advance > and look for Brightness gamma and contrast settings on the far right.

I changed the values to Brightness to 50 Contrast to 50 and Gamma to 1.0 then hit apply.

Not sure why this combination reduces or eliminates the loading screen issue but it did on my setup.

Hopefully the kind ppl of Blizzard take notice and look into why its happening to certain users.

Let me know if it has made a difference?
