Dang you are all getting toxic, the blue is a community leader not a dev, cut them some slack.
Not sure if its helpful but the boat docks are at least now allowing the bfa boat to work. The dragonflight one still spawns away from the dock though.
UPDATE: I am now able to join Magtheridon. Pro tip, if you’re loading screen seems to be “Froze or stuck” stay on screen it may take a few minutes.
Im stuck at loading screen also any fixes
This is a more useful update than deleting posts and (wrongly) criticising customers for not reading posts that are not here.
Nah, WoD was definitely worse
I finally got back in but the quest didn’t complete so had to get back to Stormwind where there is still no boat.
Atleast we get to look at this loading screen for hours!
same, got to log back in after like 30 mins with around 15 ppl caught up to me, then another lock about 10 quests later, rip ahead of the pack
its been 2 hours, and they have no updates whatsoever
waited for the boat since 1530 hrs pst… now its 17.11 pst.
decided to click portal.
loading screen
More loading screen
… not funny anymore (more loading screen)
proceeds to Alt-f4.
Tries to log back in… (key word - try)
Game broke, world offline.
It’s beyond pathetic.
I think they need to just restart all the servers for it to start working correctly rather than say it is an authentication issue. We can log in to the game, just not the realms.
Add me to the list of users waiting for the boat to the Dragon Isle.
I’m mystified why this should be acceptable on day 1 of the xpac.
If you do happen to get back online any UI profiles will be deleted. Seems Word Server Down crashes now equals a wipe of all UI settings
add me to that as well if you would be kind enough
Illidan. I got to the dragon isles at 6. After 2 mins I was booted. Cannot get back in at all.
streamers first man, dont ya know. appeal to the 1%
if you dig around your \World of Warcraft_retail_\WTF\Account[account#] folder you can find some ui settings labelled “ui-setting-blah-blah.old” delete the “.old” from the end of the file name, and change them to .txt to restore some settings. I’ve only needed to do it for the edit-mode-cache-account file so far.