Loading screen/Launch Issues - please keep it to one thread. Thanks!

Game froze shortly after hoping onto the zeppelin. Now every time I try to log in it freezes in the loading screen.

Any workarounds?


85 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Main thread] World server down issues

Nor would you if you could.

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Blackhand Boat & Portal are broke. You take the boat it ports you back to Stormwind dock. You take the portal you get an endless loading screen.

This gonna be another WoD-like launch?

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Alliance boat still isn’t spawning. Been almost an hour


I had that happen to me as well now I just cant get back in at all, been trying for 40 mim or so now.

I hope you all know that the blues on the forums aren’t the ones in control of this. Like yelling at a waiter because your steak is cooked wrong


Fortunately I get to watch Asmongold hit 61 soon while I keep trying to log in after getting kicked off of the zeppelin

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You think they whitelisted his IP or somehow gave him special access? He’s been logged in since like 2pm, he was already in SW or wherever and ready to go. My main was in Orgrimmar at launch and had no issue.


Another epic launch. On Par with Pandaria launch.

50 minutes waiting :frowning:

WHEN IS THIS Crapola gonna be fixed thanks

ORg is not down on my server, people are there now but TELEPORTS not working

You must be new here.

I wish they would put out an official statement… like we deserve it…


World server down on Zul’jin. Priest was logged out on the tower outside Org. Paladin cant log in either, character located in Oribos.

Most characters I checked could login, from SW or Orb.

But my main that I left at Torghast entrance can’t login, continue to get “World Server Down” when trying. Character Stuck Service also not working.

Just like Bliz to give the streamers priority while the rest of us sit and wait.


Wod was far worse this is peanuts compared to wod.


Streamers 100% get login preference.


Reminds me of Sue from Mythic Quest… Poor lady…