Loading screen/Launch Issues - please keep it to one thread. Thanks!

heh heh. Purchased expansion, logged out, can’t get back in.

Excellent purchase!

hi mom! <3

Been trying for 75 minutes. Boat spawns as it’s pulling out; I’ve lost count how many times I’ve tried to get on it. Somehow I got a load screen once - nothing in the progress bar until it timed out and dumped be back on the docks in Stormwind.

Tried the portal a bunch of times - it gives a load screen, not one dot of progress in the bar. Times out and dumps be back on the dock.

I’ve read in Reddit taking the portal doesn’t allow you to progress, you have to take the boat over. Can anyone confirm? Am I wasting my time trying?

Would be super nice to hear from Blizz on any of the above. I’m really loving hearing my guild get further and further ahead of me while I cool my heels on a friggin dock.

We will provide updates tomorrow when our staff come back to work…

Please choose me good masters, i want to play today!

Blue post:


The Orgrimmar World Server is Down on both Sen’Jin and Zul’Jin.

How about “we are aware of this problem and are working on it?”

We are aware of this problem and will make time run back for you guys to recover all the time you lost waiting and doing nothing.

1.5 hours after launch and still the majority of people can’t play the game they paid for…on par to far exceed the failure of the Pandaria launch.

errr, it’s on the launcher, says that are actively investigating it

I would rather lick the bottom of a shoe, than to watch Asmongold!


DarGon LaNd ReWwwWlz!

I logged on my main, clicked portal, now she’s stuck in limbo and can’t log back into her. I’m so sad. Also, my UI got deleted. I really don’t wanna spend an hour fixing it all up again when I do get a chance to play again.

Man I love trying to login again, and again again again ag zzzz… zzzzz

Well least this is new, char not found and now all chars are missing from the realm list.

Stuck on the loading screen quest how do we log in to the game??

Launcher says login issues. Many here are not complaining of a login issue. We’re logged in.

I was able to play for 15m after getting off the zep, I got disconnected, and have repeatedly tried logging back in for over an hour at this point.
Heck of a preorder bonus.


Ya know, after reading the In-game message… THEY DON’T EVEN APOLOGIZE FOR THIS INCONVENIENCE… pretty damn rude if you ask me.