Load out of date Addons toggle doesn't actually work

No matter what I do, none of my out-of-date addons actually stays on when I have it toggled. I’ll click the notification that my addons are out of date to run even when they are but when logging in, they’re off. Turning them off and on in the game through the menu, they turn off and I have to click on load out-of-date addons on the addon panel in the game, reload and do it again but not all of my addons are running.

It’s been a constant loop of turning off and on. The only way I’ve worked around it is to manually go into every addon’s toc file and change the patch number to the current one. This has been an issue for me since pre patch DF.

I would check that you don’t have folder(s) set to read-only under your WTF folder. 'Specially the ones with the AddOns.txt file in them.


It works when I log in but if I ever have to turn on or off an addon in game, it just doesn’t load any out of date addons. The toggle on the panel just keeps being checked off.

Do you have an addon crontrol panel type addon?

I would test it a couple of times with only one or two different addons installed and see if it still happens. That should tell you if it’s the game being wierd or not. I don’t get the problem here so…

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I do, I’ve tested with them off and on. I’ve toggled load out of date addons on character selection and when in game, it’s toggled off, even with addon control panel addons disabled.
Edit: I figured out what addon was causing this bug. It was AdvancedInterfaceOptions. I decided to reenable each addon until the issue popped up. that was the one causing it


Weird, I haven’t had any issues like that with AIO.

You might try deleting your saved variables for it and see if the issue stops.

Would that be the one in the WTF Folder?

Yeah. If you’re using the CF client or similar you can right click on it in the app and delete settings, rather than hunting the file(s) down manually.

have the same issue, any solution? because delete settings or delete AIO dosnt work for me