Omfg, that is vastly better lol
Oh yes i like those, even though i donʻt have Ascendance talented on my Shammy
But I liked the Sweet Tooth cross over they were doing…
Sweet tooth, now that is a name I haven’t heard in a long time…a long time.
There are glyphs.
Yeah I like it
now we need a glyph to turn all draenei warlocks into blood elf demon hunters.
This is so much better than… whatever the previous thing was supposed to be.
Now we need a glyph to turn all Demon Hunters into dust
you’re dust now.
The new version looks amazing!
I’m glad they kept the other version as a glyph so people that like it can still use it, sadly it’s just not a style I’m into even though the quality is good.
These look a lot better, and I am glad they are adding in Glyphs for other forms for people that like them. However, it’s really confusing why they aren’t willing to add back in the old glyph of ascendance.
Here’s some Demon Hunter dust.
That’s a lot better than the Clown Unleashed look.
It’s better but still not great imo, still way too Twilight’s Hammer-y and it’s super off-putting that “ascending” makes my draenei lose her tail, horns, hooves, entire leg shape, etc. I’d love a Glyph of Stars-esque look to just turn into a fiery/windy/watery version of my normal self.
Also they need to let us customize Ascendance and Ghost Wolf in the barber shop, it’s way past overdue.
I can’t believe Blizzard listened. Thank you Microsoft for buying Blizzard!
You see guys? Bullying works.
( I’m kidding. It’s nice they listened and gave ya’ll something else )
I just wish they did more with the glyph system in general.
Can you imagine a glyph that makes a shadow priest turn into a light DPS spec. That I would love.