Llane Alliance Reconnections

Played Alliance on Llane since day 1.
Character: Prometheus (Paladin) Nyteblade (Rogue)
Guilds: Formed “Aura of the Alliance” & later joined Knights Of The Storm.

Would love to reconnect with anyone that is still playing these days. Please let me know if you recognize either of those toons. :slight_smile:

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Wow, i remember 80% of the names you just mentioned there. Awesome to see so many memories tied up in one post.

Hey buddy! It’s been a long time! Im glad to see you are still around :slight_smile:

Hey guys, im looking for a few guys but in particular those in two guilds.
Character - Snakewyrm Alliance Warrior
Guilds - Soldier & The Panda Brigade
Trying to get back into contact with Wars or Vilesin. Wars was original leader of Soldier and a good friend and Vilesin was one of its officers. Hope they are still around among others that were in the guild.

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ZIIIIILLLLYYYY! If you’re on Facebook there’s a Fahrenheit Gaming group I can get you a link to so you can coordinate with us there. Add me and shoot me a message if you see me online, Bacchanalian#11277.

Gusu, NE Hunter - Downedsoul, NE Warrior (Tank)
Guild Nights of WAR - I was also in Knights of The Storm.
I remember playing with Woozell/Woozette/Heffalump, Roy (Character name) and a few others that were in our small guild.

Troy (Gnome Mage),
Aquanine (Night Elf Hunter),
Socrates (Night Elf Druid)
The Spirit of Yeti,
Black Dragon Dynasty,
Golden Nuggets,


Character: Shinshadow(Warlock)
Guild: Fellowship of the Bling
Looking for any of the guild or even the Coalition

Hey, my irl friends who introduced me into WoW were in Spirit of the Yeti. Do you remember Nightwar (human warrior, he tanked mc through naxx), and Saratoga (dwarf priest)?


lol =)

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lol rafa is still alive


Illandren (Night Elf Hunter)
Adiana (Night Elf Druid)
Alyoron (Human Warrior)

Vanilla Guilds:
Twilight’s Dawn

Current Guild:

BONFIRE?!?!?! Its Lexxy & Raekoli! We are jumping on the new server called pagle. Hope you are doing well- see you soon?!

Used to play with you guys in For the Lose with Troia back in the day. So nice to see so many old names and people around :slight_smile: Zindra & Linuz - you guys still kicking around?

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Raekoli (Night Elf Hunter)

Vanilla Guilds:
Rogues Gallery
Spirts in the Night

Burning Crusade:

Lexxyy ( Night Elf Druid - Healer)

Vanilla Guilds:
Rogues Gallery
For The Lose

Current Guild:

Marry me Rafa?

You know you want to… :stuck_out_tongue:
I know I want you to… :blush:

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Wuddup Falc!!!

Put me in Coach!

Will do. Been gone this weekend, but I’ll try to link up with you soon af.

Mali! No one played Jipapap like you! It’s Thereverend! hows it goin, man?