Living flame NA Horde is DEAD

On a weekend that server is DEAD

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5 am est, just woke up and theres 60+ horde running incursions on my layer


Way to call out the doomsayer on his “claim” lol

I wonder how many of them are hunters :rofl:


Any metrics to define “dead”?

It’s people in groups running incursions :rofl:

funny how im on the server right now and with the LFG add on theres only 5 people asking for groups for any given activity :rofl:
but theres definitely summon bots spamming like crazy

that’s nice dear

its ok tho you can act like 60 doing incursions is “thriving”

havent really noticed a difference from the alliance perspective.

a big part of the problem is most of the horde went pve bc the alliance was so superior to the scum sucking horde. its not just a living flame issue tbh. science has proven that horde brains are 1/3 the size of alliance brains. this only allows horde to complete the most rudimentary tasks like sifting through the dirt in orgrimmar in search of fecal matter to eat and smashing sticks against each other outside in the gates of the city. at least now living flame will have less stench in the air now that the weaklings have fled for pve safety.


not sure if satire or mental illness


living flame na horde is booming you have lost your mind

Does the server have any information that could lead to the arrest of the Clintons?


This guy is claiming only 5 people in the LFG addon (But I guarantee he doesn’t have LFG chat turned on)

Imagine doomsaying on a 20 year old skinnerbox simulator basket weaving forum.

I imagine this post would make more sense if you didn’t make it on said forum…

If it did, who exactly would be arresting them?

not a surprising comment coming from a 1/3 sized horde brain. i can barely stand the stench of your posts. the smell of orgrimmar must be unbearable with all the orcs and undead breathing in the same area. gross. just remember when your corpse hits the ground on Living Flame…it was probably me that put it there…horde scum.


All the Living Flame NA Horde are in their natural habitat grefing lowbies in incursions because even with their OP carebear faction they still get stomped in PvP. Their only PvP experience is stomping lowbies or thinking they are good PvPer’s because they picked the faction with broken racials and shamans lmao