Live Developer Q&A Thursday, January 24 – Submit Your Questions

I’m not against war mode, world pvp etc. but why am I (a solo horde player) getting sharded into a zone with next to no horde and raids of alliance ganking squads.


I understand the desire to want to have more alliance with warmode on but don’t you think a loot reward buff for being the opposite faction is a little excessive, especially when a new raid tier launches?


I have often wondered how you can expect the players to believe you develop the game impartially when developers are publicly known to play one faction or the other. Do you believe this impugns the players’ notion of your objectivity? Do you feel responsible for faction imbalance, and if so, how do you intend to correct for it?


In the most recent PTR, we get to see Sylvanas summon all the Horde leaders and confront Baine…and all are there except a notable exception.

Ji Firepaw.

Pandaren need representstion-is he up to something else? Or did you guys just forget him?

EDIT: Just to add on, he appears in two other horde related instances with leaders in 8.1.5, but not here.

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Why would you let the new pvp trinket Malefic or whatever (the necrotic trinket) go live at the beginning of a season when people want to queue up with it being so busted? Are you guys even aware of the numbers in PVP? This is just outrageous

After the outcry of people disliking the Undead Nightelf storyline, were there any major changes made or did future plans on that story shift?


Two part question.
Any chance to update deathknights customization options? ( eye glow, skin detailing, or even potential decay )
Allied races. Deathknights. When? It fits in the lore. Pandaren deathknights where spotted in WoD tavern and zandalari trolls/ancient troll races where spotted in zuldrak

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Tier sets. When?

Are Hozen and Jinyu ever going to join the allied races option since we completely destroyed their way of life and they both blame the other faction?

Is it in the plans to make Legendary items or effects (cloaks) an option for tmog in the future. Maybe attached Cloak effects to trinkets or something for those that have and love those wings.

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Why is the item level increase for Season 2 not uniform? The difference for Warfronts and World Bosses was explained and is understandable, but why did incursions not change at all and emissaries only went up 15 item level when almost everything else (raids, dungeons, pvp, and world quests) went up 30?

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I would add to that:

Can servers just be merged and sharding ceased?


Coming forward from legion, why did you change frost DK’s to the way they are now? Their rotation is around one cooldown, and it has the most downtime of all specs since the beginning of the expac

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Re: Incursions rewards, see URL below:

Otherwise I would think they want more players doing raids, dungeons for their higher level gear – you design something, you want to make sure it’s used.

So when are professions going to get an overhaul to make them relevant again?

You gutted first aid and left it only to tailors…
Cooking is hardly worth the buffs IMO
Jewelcrafting was a boost at the beginning, but now with 400 ilvl becoming prevalent, it’s not worth the mats.

I can’t attest to other profs as I haven’t had the heart to level them because they feel so worthless. Aside from alchemy which is always in demand.

Any plans to rework professions for lower level characters to make them more relevant to the leveling process so they’re worth leveling up along the way?

Can you look at making M+ a viable form of AP farming?

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Will Vulpera and Sethrak be a playable race in this expansion?


Here is a question many probably want answered: Are you going to discuss the “REAL” internal issues going on with the game, or continue to ignore them by answering picked questions that could be answered on forums or other social platform; such as new allied race, battle pets, Transmog, etc. questions? This Q&A going to be :tea:.

I am still looking for an answer to a question I posted here: (According to the Q&A forum feedback isn't listened too? - #88 by Bornakk) that Bornak said he would look into but never did.

How bad are alliance participation rates compared to horde participation rates in end-game content (specifically raiding, M+ dungeons, organized PvP like BGs, and disorganized PvP like WM)?

Where did our population go? Did they all roll horde or did they all quit?

What are you going to do about it? Is one of the steps trying to write an Alliance story so that it’s good enough for the dev team to actually play in their free time? (It’s been stated that most of the devs play Horde)

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Is Sebastian Stępień going to be heading into the World of Warcraft team? If so is the team getting any more new faces?