Live Developer Q&A Thursday, January 24 – Submit Your Questions

Was the intent of changing World Quest rewards to remain blue in Season 2 (even if Warforged or Titanforged for non-Azerite gear), to reduce the amount of Titan Residuum available to players that are not running constant Mythic+ dungeons, since an Azerite piece must be both ilevel 340 AND Epic to count? And is there a reason that some 8.0 content rewards were updated for Season 2 (World Quests, Emissaries), but other 8.1 content was not (Incursions, which are an extension/hybridization of both World Quests and Emissaries)?

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Titanforging is nice but why not put some sort of cap on. since there is no cap doesnt that mean the game loses the aspect of best in slot gear due to there not being an iLVL cap to titanforging?

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I’m really happy I’m not the only one wondering this, I was starting to feel like I was crazy lol. 300up and 300 down yet the game plays horrible.

What’s the story behind the Jadefire Masters? Did they exist in the canon before BFA?

The alliance get 2 pieces of 400 ilevel gear from warfront and kill 25 people on release of patch yet horde get nothing? balanced? no. Give alliance a 415 for killing first raid boss aswell why don’t you. Also limit switched to allys wonder why

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Thanks for providing an opportunity to ask a question, I do apologize for not staying within 40 words. With the excessive pruning/simplifing and the shallowing out of the game in a whole, everything from class design, skills, class individuality, player choice, professions, profession passives, lore, quest depth, guild permissions, armor design, class armor, sets/set bonuses merging of server types (pve, pvp i.e. WM), removal of vendors, currency types, character stats (i.e. resilliance, spirit, hit, weapon skills, dodge, block, spell crit etc.), growing stronger (progression), limited flying, stacked RNG rules, loot rule options and time gating most/major desired content in addition to major core system overhauls and major catchup mechanics mid xpac cycle, despite some aspects of the game have had improved depth such as pet battles, is WoW being staged for release on console platforms? My follow up question is, can we also expect to see a full fledged WoW experience coming to Mobile?


Will the pvp community get pvp vendors back yet? Rng might work for PvE but it can be detrimental to PvP players.

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Can we fix world defense channel so we can see all zones that are being attacked in the world just not current content! #Wpvp #emerald-dream


Why have the Alliance been the one to get the constant 30% buff for so many weeks? Will it EVER be given to the Horde? Lok’tar

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Can you remove the orbs in the temple dungeon? I have severe C.P and my hands don’t work too well. The orbs are way too difficult. If not can you please let us reroll the mythic key again.

Can we get a ETA on bringing back Resilience to counter the high numbers from mythic PvE gear. Currently pvp gear is in a laughable position for wpvp.

Any plans to make Epic items feel epic? Can we make rare items more base line rewards and epic the super rare 1% chance drops etc? There use to be a time players would look up to others for there gear since it was rare. That is gone.

Any plans to bring back more stats and ability’s to the game? Currently I feel this game is heading for a mobile experience which I don’t support and donated for over 12 years.

Any plans on making a zone like Tol Barad or Wintergrasp I feel a daily hub or a reward system etc would be a nice welcoming to the pvp community. Thus giving us more things to do.

Any plans to further decrees the amount of rng we have to deal with and go back to the holy trinity of vendors and currency badges? I feel like that was the supreme way to gear with time management.


Can we expect to see wow turn more into a mmorpg with decisions on customization for stats,talents and gear? Currently we’re in a brain dead era with hardly any word of fixing it.

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Any plans to add new battlegrounds since you stripped content away with SotA removal. However fix stats/ability improvements first.

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Any plans to simplify Racials for both sides so race is not a factor of making a character. ROLE PLAYING GAME. Not forced to play a race to preform x amount better in pvp or pve.


Any chance for improvements on making wpvp life better?

  • Fix World Defense channel for ALL ZONES so i can be afk in stormwind and see what’s being attacked in darkshire,outlands or northrend
  • Map pings/faction banners wherever there is pvp around the world.
  • Balanced PvE and PvP with Resilience or Pvp Power.
  • More Wpvp daily’s

Is there a chance we could get a mass milling ability for inks in Inscription? I have around 2.5K ultramarine pigment in the bank and around 1.5K crimson. That’s a lot of time just trying to turn that into the dyes. Speaking of Inscription, do you think Inscriptionists could get a bonus applied to contracts similar to how leatherworkers and blacksmiths do with their mount associated items?

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