Live Developer Q&A Friday, December 14 – Submit Your Questions

Yes I wanna know of their communication is so bad because they dont have phones it’s a better question then the countless whiney about a easy rep grind or if we can have more bikini armour

When can we have gear vendors, like those in WotLK, back? It was a much better system with a better sense of progression and better goals to target.

Currently, Titan Residuum is only obtainable from scrapping Azerite pieces or through a weekly M+ cache. Are other ways of receiving Titan Residuum being looked into for the future to help players who target PVP or primarily pugs their weekly raid clears.

With scrapping Azerite into Titan Residuum, players may now hold onto a piece that drops for them but isn’t technically a upgrade, just to scrap it later. Also someone who PVPs and doesn’t specifically push M+ keys may have a harder time receiving Titan Residuum.

Because it was awful, unnecessary, and made the rotation horribly clunky.

Can Demon Hunters please get empower wards back. It would be nice to have more defense to all the magic damage.

Last minute submission I hope you guys see: why did you change the whistle emote?

Currently, Titan Residuum is only obtainable from scrapping Azerite pieces or through a weekly M+ Cache. Are other ways of receiving TR being developed? Would it be possible to receive TR from a weekly PVP War Chest?

Can we get a estimated time frame on when you plan to make this game good again, I promise I’ll be back then.
Will it be every other xpac, 8.2 patch? Just need an estimated time frame I’ll be back

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If you were using it in a rotation other than to drain tank mobs, you were doing it wrong.

Any of you devs wanna go to Bethesda and school them how to fix that horribad game they call “Fallout 76”?

Will Dark Rangers or other Forsaken models be added to character customization since we have seen the rise of Night Elf Dark Rangers working for the Dark Lady in Darkshore?

They should probably focus on there own game

Professions generally feel like the items they make are underpowered , unless you mine mats in dungeons. Will there be a non-dungeon/raid way to get stuff like hydrocores in the future, and will crafted ilvls scale up in new season?

There seems to be no 340 ilvl 1-handed crafted intelligence item for Paladins, was this an oversight? Engineers could make a 310 one, but no 340 upgrade was made available in patch.

What’s the word regarding the Cross RP addon? It was beloved by many and to see it broken was disheartening to say the least.


Why isn’t there titan risidium dropping from level 325 or lower azerite gear, we had been told that all the new azerite drops would be scrappable for this, and the base mats given are not equal to the gold value that we would have received through vendoring?

When choosing a race to become an allied race, do the races need to fit a particular criteria? (Such as being a race that already exists vs being something new).

Why is the completion of Explorer, and all the zone quests not enough to “experience the content” so we can fly?

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Does anyone in your development team care one iota about the quality and enjoyment of the gameplay experience anymore?


professions and harvesting are sandboxed expansion to expansion. Are there plans to make them global and relevant no matter where you are at in the world?