Will there be another “Mega Dungeon” like you did in Legion with Kara?
Are you satisfied with the state of class design as a whole? The community seems to have a negative opinion on this topic lately.
The issue of racials is still becoming a huge problem in BFA as well. Horde Mtyhic+ and Mythic raiding has a huge bonus to the racials provided; Arcane Torrent making Prophet Zul’s fight noticably easier.
How you will address the clear imbalances of racials? The Alliance is falling behind big time and the numbers from Mythic Uldir show this.
When is the content patch dedicated toward Player Customization?
When are we going to see seasonal M+ rewards that match other endgame content like PvP titles/mounts/tmog, Raid achievements/mounts/titles/tmog? It’s supposed to be an endgame equal to those systems but it has been completely ignored despite its popularity.
Are there any plans to fix guardian druid, or are they going to be useless for the rest of bfa?
The Method guys said that they wouldn’t take a Druid healer into mythic raiding.
Tell us, why is that okay? I’m sure some Druids would like to play mythic raiding.
Are there any plans to bring BFA to mobile? I hear you guys have phones.
Is this the 13th or 14th? I see two posts with different days.
Also why is this days after the patch release?
Why after so many complaints about Enhance Shaman being broken (Maelstrom feast or famine, etc.) and not enjoyable to play, have you decided to not do any real / substantial changes to the spec in over 6 months?
Why do we pay for the full expansion if it’s not actually ever finished? Shouldn’t you charge 5$ for it then we incredibly slowly pay the rest?
My question has to do with the old Azeroth. I genuinely believe Allied races are a great idea for this game, especially from someone who loves leveling. The only drawback is that the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor are still being Played like it’s Cata. Would the development team be willing to update the world one more time. I feel the story’s could be how each zone is rebuilding after the Cata and after BfA.
Depending on where you live. In the US it will be the 13th and this is normally what they do. While they will only answer questions about the patch for those who refused to look at the forums, visit third party sites, or watch the countless videos.
Instead of nerfing/buffing racials would it be possible to turn them off in instances since the biggest complaints I’m aware of in regard to racials have to do with instanced pve and pvp.
Several pages of feedback have been given regarding the changes to Guild Rank Controls and alternatives to the current system. What is being considered and are you any closer to resolving this issue?
Will we see a return of the “Raid” missions on the mission board? I kind of miss the free loot roll every other week.
Where is the enhancement shaman rework that was promised in the q&a right after bfa launched? All of the changes in 8.1 could’ve been done via hotfix.
Looking forward to do the Blood Elf heritage scenario, ty for giving us more story/history. We have gold eye option now is it possible with the cleansing of the Sunwell for Blood Elves to also get their High Elf eye blue/violet eye colors?
Forgot to edit the day in your copy/pasting
It was previously mentioned by Ythisens back in September that new ways to obtain Vicious Saddles were being worked on for 8.1, what are they?