Live Developer Q&A Friday, December 14 – Submit Your Questions

The story for the Alliance and Horde shows a clear disconnect with the Horde feeling vastly more explored upon. With the choices between Sylvanas and saurfang clear… the Alliance are doing nothing close to the sort. Tyrande is acting like Jaina did in the Throne of Thunder / Fall of Theramore. Anduin as Varian…

What will we see for the Alliance story rather than repeating Mists of Pandaria again?


Backlash, and subsequent praise at Blizzcon about GCD reversions, still seems extremely one sided. Especially when it comes to non offensive abilities. These abilities were also added after the initial announcement, can you expand on why the team thinks that part of the change is good?


Are you happy with the removal of master loot rules now that we have played under them for a full raid tier? Has it achieved the desired result from a dev perspective?


Is it the 13th or 14th because you guys have 2 diff dates posted

i posted the other pages typing a few replys below one says 13 other 14


Can you help us understand why something that seems like very simple talent tuning has taken so long for Shamans? And also has not happened at all for many other classes that need it?


Class fun and class balance seems to be a major sore spot for this expansion with tides of Vengeance onward are there any plans to improve class fun and class balance


Join us live on Twitch on Friday, December 14 as we sit down with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas for our next live developer Q&A, where he’ll be answering your questions on the latest content update—Tides of Vengeance.

Submit your questions by posting in this forum thread or via Twitter using the hashtag #WarcraftQA.

Are there any plans to reduce trading restrictions for guild groups? I don’t care about Master Loot so much, but it does feel awful to not be able to give an item to my guildmate that I do not want but can not trade for one reason or another.


Will there be another “Mega Dungeon” like you did in Legion with Kara?


Are you satisfied with the state of class design as a whole? The community seems to have a negative opinion on this topic lately.


The issue of racials is still becoming a huge problem in BFA as well. Horde Mtyhic+ and Mythic raiding has a huge bonus to the racials provided; Arcane Torrent making Prophet Zul’s fight noticably easier.

How you will address the clear imbalances of racials? The Alliance is falling behind big time and the numbers from Mythic Uldir show this.


When is the content patch dedicated toward Player Customization?


When are we going to see seasonal M+ rewards that match other endgame content like PvP titles/mounts/tmog, Raid achievements/mounts/titles/tmog? It’s supposed to be an endgame equal to those systems but it has been completely ignored despite its popularity.


Are there any plans to fix guardian druid, or are they going to be useless for the rest of bfa?


The Method guys said that they wouldn’t take a Druid healer into mythic raiding.
Tell us, why is that okay? I’m sure some Druids would like to play mythic raiding.


Are there any plans to bring BFA to mobile? I hear you guys have phones.


Is this the 13th or 14th? I see two posts with different days.

Also why is this days after the patch release?

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Why after so many complaints about Enhance Shaman being broken (Maelstrom feast or famine, etc.) and not enjoyable to play, have you decided to not do any real / substantial changes to the spec in over 6 months?


Why do we pay for the full expansion if it’s not actually ever finished? Shouldn’t you charge 5$ for it then we incredibly slowly pay the rest?


My question has to do with the old Azeroth. I genuinely believe Allied races are a great idea for this game, especially from someone who loves leveling. The only drawback is that the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor are still being Played like it’s Cata. Would the development team be willing to update the world one more time. I feel the story’s could be how each zone is rebuilding after the Cata and after BfA.