Live action Conan the Barbarian Netflix series

For those who do not know a live action Conan the Barbadian Netflix series is currently being produced now before you worry that it will end up like Masters of the Universe know that it is being made by a team made of the people who made Age of Conan and the people who made Conan Exiles both of whom did the source material justice.

What are your thoughts?

I guess we’ll hope for the best. Conan doesn’t have a great track record in Hollywood. The first movie was pretty good, incorporating at least some of the source material. The other flicks and the tv show were garbage.
They’ll need the right actor which is no easy chore. The original REH stories would provide fine episodes if they have the budget and the vision. I wish them well.

Well The first 2 Conan movies were good the reason I think the 2011 Conan failed was because it deviated too far from the source material. As for the games Conan Exiles is good and as for Age of Conan I think the reason it failed was because of WoW and the fact that the world was just not ready for an M Rated MMORPG at the time.

It’s actually been done.