Little things that made Classic better

I really enjoyed the movie (but I have been a hardcore fan of wow for ~14 years) but the movie tanked by “hollywood standards” and correlated to a change to the in game narrative(s) that made horde generic bad and alliance good (because nuances/multiperspective narratives were too hard to convey in game and general audiences did not pick up on them).

Seriously can you think of a single villain in the alliance faction since legion?
Where are the Blackmoore’s?
You know the guys supporting the enslavement of the entire orc race, the fantasy trope “pompous noble” taking what they will at the expense of the lesser castes? Thats the horde perspective of the Alliance which has been dropped in modern wow and for me is the core reason why the lore is boring now.

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Well… Horde WAS bad back in those days. Mind you, it was nice seeing some gray areas with Grom, and especially Durotan. Blackhand wasn’t even 100% evil either, not till he got the fel forced on him by Gul’dan.

Gul’dan was the only really evil orc in the movie, and that’s right up there with how he’s always been portrayed.

As for Alliance villains in game… you’re right, we really haven’t had any. I mean, some diehard Hordies point at Jaina, but that’s because they’re diehard Hordies and not actually wanting to give Alliance any credit.

Yes please. Chocolate with chocolate frosting.

the ‘annoyances’ that really helped with immersion (e.g. feeding pets, reagents, quests, travel)

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Lady Ashvane?

Spoilers: Lady Ashvane defected to the Horde.

Early on who is going to have the gold to buy your mats and where are you going to get all of these BOE’s that everyone else needs too?

Yes later in the cycle that may be a better choice at times, but early in the games life no one is going to have the money to buy your mats.

Ah non, you KEEP mats until level 40. At this point it will pay your mount :blush:.

Well, also I started the day 1 of wow, but I had no idea what I was doing. I played rogue until level 23ish with 1 dagger. I discovered AH around level 15.

So no, I don’t know how economy works at lunch

This was one of my favorite things as well in the original game. I remember how big a deal it was when they added NPCs onto the boats and blimps.

I hope someday this makes it back into the current game, though the backlash towards removing portals leaves me with little hope.

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Thousands of alt avatars you mean. Lol.

I dont mind the zepp dropping me off in Durotar over land, but when it would drop me off in the ocean off the coast from Brill that was just WROOONG man…

Thats hard to even imagine these days. With how they sort of… devalue the last raid completely with the new one, I cant imagine that happening in current wow. In TBC there were still people doing Kara well into the point that WOTLK was announced. The content stuck around.

I miss a lot of the little things that made WoW a real RPG. Like feeding your pet, learning skills from trainers and books. Reagents and other assorted items you needed to do your job. And having to actually be out in the world to do things.


One that’s always bothered me was the discolored healing potion. What was the point?

I will take a bit of nuanced view. Back in Vanilla when we had to travel to far away places for PUG dungeons, travel was fine up to around 2-3 hops. 3+ hops and higher began to push what players were willing to do. For example, PUGging Dire Maul was often painful when everyone was starting in SW or IF.

At the same time, people who tended to congregate closer to those far-away dungeons had an easier time PUGging on the zone channel and were more dedicated to running it. And of course warlocks (BB poses for the camera) could summon people once two others plus the warlock made it there. The groups that vacillated on actually traveling (e.g. nobody wanting to travel to get the three people needed, or asking me to temporary group two random people at the target in order to be able to summon everyone) tended to die quickly and I learned quickly not to waste too much of my time in such cases. The groups that were willing to travel were generally more invested into seeing the dungeon through, which could be important for places like DM.

Given these facts, having more convenient travel (let alone instant queues) definitely reduced player investment in seeing the dungeon through. My personal preference is that I like the flight paths interconnecting automatically… that’s a really good thing in my view. But I still want people to have to travel to the dungeon. It just makes for a better experience.

So with respect to portal convenience, all I care about is that a large continent be cut up into a reasonable number of pieces (like 2 or 3) for portal travel and then the flight point system be used after that. Two hops = reasonable. Having more portals than that just begs for sloppy players. Sloppy players aren’t as much fun to play with.



Raids today are an extension of their ESports division. It’s all about YouTube, Twitch, streamers and big guilds that get paid money like Method. Having 4-5 raids at the beginning of an expansion gets in the way of that business model.

I think part way through Vanilla you could fly between multiple FPs without stopping, if that’s what you meant? Since it’s 1.12 that’s a thing, thankfully!

Ditto. Didn’t even use the economy at launch, I was too busy exploring places I had never seen before. Hell, didn’t even know there WAS an economy at launch, because there wasn’t. Nobody had any gold to buy stuff with.

It will be a little different this time around but I’d agree… definitely try to store the mats in your bank as long as you can before disposing of them on the AH. Particularly cloth.

I got a little pissy at blizzard for not giving me experience and quests in areas where I could take the mobs +2, +3 levels higher than me down. But despite that, being able to explore ahead of my level was the most fun I ever had in the game and I really miss it.


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Like with what we saw with Legion, everything turned to trash items. The world quests there now are only to power level. Draenor, same thing. MoP content is only farmed for mounts now. It’s ridiculous like you said.

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Another note: Everything leading up to BfA has gotten easier… Everyone gets a legendary (legion), everyone gets a “unique” OP necklace (BfA), etc. From what I hear the way it used be was that not everyone had the best gear. Noone was handed OP gear, not many people had a legendary, etc etc. The game has gotten way too easy. I look forward to the challenge that bringing back classic will give. Believe it or not, but I look forward to keeping WHITE and GRAY items and judging them on if they’re better than what’s currently equipped or not.


I always found these kind of amusing. Like the ship had sunk or the zeppelin had gone down.

It could be annoying, but this head cannon made them a bit less so.