Just some little things people do or say that annoying you but really shouldn’t.
- keep it civilised
- keep it clean
For me it’s:
- calling Ground Beef “hamburger”
- well done steak
- mouth noises when eating
- staying in the passing lane when not passing
Just some little things people do or say that annoying you but really shouldn’t.
For me it’s:
In game, at the Amberstill Ranch in Dun Morogh, when the guard says he HEARD something, but the Dwarf in charge says to keep alert because the guard SEEN something. No. The guard HEARD something not SEEN something.
That makes me really angry The unpropper use of grammer.
I what you did there.
He saw it with his looking ears!
dropping something. i feel like fighting the air… god! or just throwing the rest of whatever down… *sigh… *deep breathe
someone who stands to close to me in line at the register or whatever. even before covid, i need my bubble
Num-nums as in food. ANY TIME anyone says it. Except if it’s like a toddler who can’t talk well yet…but still they were taught to say it…
I like ground beef hamburgers and well done steak.
You must be a Texan.
Nope, west coast Canadian! Well done steak is a big no no here ha.
Ground beef hamburgers are where it’s at. I meant calling ground beef “hamburger” instead of “ground beef” I just find it strange.
Ah, I do know that the BC area does have a hick subculture there. Just like eastern Wash state.
when my package says “delivered” but wasn’t. it pisses me off tbh because a lot of things i order are not cheap so it makes me wonder if it was stolen or what especially this time of the year.
3 times already i’ve had my packages say it was delivered but they just put it in the van.
Dude, I live in a condo and so many times I’ve had them leave the delivery slip saying they called on delivery with me receiving no call or any notification whatsoever.
im just hoping it is still being delivered today. my other guess is that they delivered it to my aunties side next door. i went over didn’t see anything but i did see my cousins bf pull up and go inside right after i delivered my tenants package so maybe he took it upstairs in their house. they do that often which idk why tbh.
A little thing that annoys me are people who post and don’t use capital letters at the start of sentences or when using “I”.
I don’t know if their shift key is broken or not, but I just skip past everything they typed. Posts can last for years unlike text messages.
Hamburgers are Hamburg Steaks(Ground Beef Steaks) in Buns…
They were invented in the USA along with Hot Dogs(Frankfurters in Buns).
Rare Marbled Steaks(no Suet) are loved as long as they aren’t Hamburg Steaks as Hamburg Steaks aren’t good when Rare or Medium for that matter…
Hamburgers that are Well Done like expected in a Fast Food Joint can taste good as shown by the Canadian(BC at least) A&W’s Burgers which are nice and greasy despite being Well Done(which I’m sure you might understand as a fellow Canadian of the West Coast).
Huh, learnt something new!
I don’t mind A&W, the mozza burger is my go to and the onion rings are a no brainer!