Things had only gotten stranger and stranger since he had returned from his sabbatical. It was not bad enough that there were no lack of cases for him to review, but the letter he found in his mailbox had really taken the cake.
Roy had not been in Stormwind long enough to get to know all the nobles, but he had met a few. Some were well respected citizens with a healthy respect for the law. Others not so much. But feuding neighbors seemed the least of the civil cases he had to look over. There were domestic assault cases, some petty theft, and last but not least, the sewer monster seemed to have taken a liking to the canals and popped up now and again to scare Stormwind citizens half out of their wits.
The judge did not believe the nonsense story of the giant croc put there to attack marauding Horde. He was more of the opinion that someone’s pet simply got too big and they turned it loose.
The letter he found in his box was a curious thing, it was from a noble of Eastvale who begged the judge to help him find his missing son. Normally such matters were turned over to the Watch and a search party would be sent out to find the boy.
But his Lordship Daniel Trevor seemed to have some kind of phobia about a neighbor, who he claimed had threatened him. Considering it was all over some land dispute, it seemed a bit far fetched to Roy that the neighbor would go to the lengths of kidnapping over it. There had to be more to the story.
The Lord had insisted that Roy hire a tracker to find the boy, who had probably just gotten lost on some foolish adventure and failed to come home. Roy was unsure, but he had a friend at S:I7 who owed him a favor and he called the man in.
“Be discrete as his Lordship demands and he offers a sizeable reward. The boy was last seen in Elwynn Forest near the river. He claims he and his men spent the last few days searching and they found nothing.” The judge informed his agent.
Will Aulten was not a totally seasoned agent. He was in fact, rather green. But he relished the chance to prove his skills. “I will find him, don’t worry!”
The judge was not so sure, but a promise made had to be kept. “I will give you one day to find him. You know I have to report this to the Watch. Find the boy and get him home, and no one will know anything about it. He probably just wandered too far and got lost, now go!”