Literally how LONG will it take

The only 2 changes I want to rogues, are a longer kidney shot CD, and sepsis dmg nerfed. I’d be happy with those

It’s a range class now :slight_smile:

They do. You’re just bad and don’t understand how to play your class without it being overtuned.

Why not both?

Can’t say that when your class is carried by disgusting utility and disgusting damage. I swear rogue and mage players always try to pretend what they play isn’t busted and it’s the dumbest thing.

They need so much more than that. Outlaw needs to not have insane CDR, sub shouldn’t be able to have both bomb and duel while also dealing one shot damage, and sin needs a tier set nerf along with a spesis nerf.


because the core mechanics of mage rogue are what really makes it annoying and dumb, sepsis, gushing wound, wod kspree, 1 dance + cov, resonators, etc are irrel.

it is pretty hard to nerf rmx at their core, because their core happens to be how the game should be played.

Adjusting rogue down to 1 step, 1 dance, remove all self healing, feint wall, remove all of mage self healing, including block heal, maybe mess with caut too.

RMX can do all the dam they want to, idc, but they gotta roll over when someone touches them. This whole RMX is literally a tank comp thing needs to stop.


You might wanna check for a hook in your mouth :slight_smile:

The amount of people in this thread who took the bait and kept eating is, frankly, astounding. But this has been a pretty tilting season and rogue mains are generally delusional, so I guess it makes sense.

Did you just say you were intentionally trolling people on the forums?


Please read sir, I was fishing. Different kind of trolling.

The thing is though its usually very easy to see someone is trolling but your profile and character and the way you were saying things is extremely close to what some rogues actually think.


Which is why fishing is so easy :grin:

pot, meet kettle. :laughing: also you’re mog is :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:


Harassing me again dozer? I get it you have a crush. I’m sorry but I don’t like boosted losers like you who swipe their credit card for rating.

Edit: their mom’s credit card***

There was a 2200 rogue saying the same stuff like 2 days ago.

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Thats…genuinely upsetting

but also

c’mon now lol

Rogues have always been their protected class. Its class bias. Its real. Its every expac.


:joy: :joy: :joy:


We need a streamer hero such as Dillon who mains rogue and is able to trash them like Dillon is able to with hunter

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Rogues/rmp got a twitter and twitch lobby that accounts for 96.69% of all hype generated around wow pvp.

It has a facing requirement so that’s impossible

  1. Rent free
  2. I’m not a streamer
  3. I mention any class not just hunter, you’re the type to praise me if I ever critique another class but lose your mind if I say anything about hunter too

Stop mentioning me every time you can


Silly, people don’t play shadow priest