List of things you want/dont want in future WoW

I miss the BoA bow I had on my hunter. Perma bans suck! :angry:

Yeah that is why I think swtor’s gearing system is that great.

You get 90% of your characters power pretty fast, then what is left is the bis stat gear parts and then just Amplifiers.

Amplifiers being RNG and costing ever increasing gold to reroll(until you just get the same item to start the reroll from 20k) makes it a long grind, but one that doesnt actually gimp you unlike WoW, amplifiers are a nice damage boost but nothing like essences/azerite/corrupted gear. Hell even it’s RNG nature doesnt feel that bed simply because the power isnt that ridiculous behind them.

id like an entirely new dev team that isn’t creatively bankrupt and is actually capable and passionate

Less RNG on top of RNG as a pseudo progression system. Even artifact power progression felt better than this.

The ending of strict faction divide rules. The ability to do PVE content with any player.

Biggest wish of all is a Tinker Class. I NEED to tank in a robo-mech

Playable gnome demon hunters or some kind of blindfold with horns and a purple demonic looking skin as customization for gnomes in shadowlands.

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Most of the above (I favor keeping racial/class restrictions). And I can’t emphasize enough your first point about rental powers. Power progression must be returned to players.

Account-wide reps aren’t high on my list, but I did love the way it was done in MoP and I totally favor re-adopting that system.

And removing huge chunks of content from prior expansions is an absurd practice that only cheats players who never played it when fresh (for any number of reasons). In some cases, enormous chasms are left in the lore (Pandaria, for instance) and you want to talk about destroying “immersion?” LOL.

  • get rid of layered RNG, this is an MMO not an online casino
  • Pathfinger must go or be made merely an alternative to max level/gold
  • no more time-gated/rep grindy prerequisites to any new classes or races that are introduced in future they should all be unlocked with purchase, just like it was from TBC -->Legion;
  • bring back vendors for the love of god. Both PvP and PvE
  • bring back tier sets
  • restore class toolkits to pre-Legion condition. Better yet, class builds in MoP were le awesome.
  • either get rid of content-and-ilevel-to-player scaling or make it entirely optional
  • no more fake content (mission tables)
  • create original daily content not WQ reruns
  • get rid of trashpacks and terrain defects and design roads like the ones in the old pre-WoD days – occasional but infrequent threats at or nearby roadsides, but not a flippin’ obstacle course
  • design content that embraces player controlled flight rather than ways to prevent it, delay it, gimp it and/or make it as tedious and as unpleasant to use as possible. Any air-based threats should be used discretely and should pose actual danger, rather than annoyance (refer to Orgril’a for instance);
  • Remove Pathfinger from all prior content.
  • Let us customize our Garrisons (many of us still use them) so that they look like our racial cities instead of mini-Org/SW
  • Return Azeroth to its pre-Cata condition and start using some of the empty space (huge amounts of it) for future expansions (loved the new Cata areas, hated the wrecked old world)
  • Get rid of Diablo-like elements in this game and get back to basics pre-WoD;
  • create at least one “noflyanywhere” server and offer free transfers ON
  • bring back First AId and make it better. Bandages can provide better healing; bandages should be reusable to level up (e.g., use 2 wool bandages to make 1 heavy wool);
  • make professions relevant by allowing players to craft high quality, useful gear;
  • ensure that consumable drops are level-commensurate instead of “stuff I could have used 10 levels ago;”
  • no more vendor-trash legendaries (part of exorcising Diablo);
  • return loot options, PL should be one of them, but not the only one. ML must be returned. We grown ups can deal with our own loot disputes. Blizzard should adopt a “hands-off involvement” policy when it comes to loot disputes between Players;
  • return the option to use old-fashioned Guild controls. The new ones are completely useless;
  • return max camera zoom to original parameters.

These would be baseline requirements for me even to consider buying any future expansions.

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My personal wants:

  • Limit Mythic+'s insane gearing efficiency. There are a number of ways they could go about doing this, but the current system is providing uncapped Mythic Raid quality loot for comparatively easy 5 man content, and it needs to stop. It makes participating in other content feel like a waste of time.

    • Note: I said comparatively easy, not just plain easy. There is a difference. I am aware +15s are very hard for an average player. Also note that I tend to compare prog raiding to M+ clears, not farm raiding.
  • Bring world content rewards back down to earth. People doing nothing but world quests don’t need Normal Raid quality loot from emissaries. World Quests should cap at ilvl 400 [normal dungeon quality]. Emissaries should cap at 415 [heroic dungeon quality]. Then the next jump is LFR at 430. That’s how it should be. It’s okay for different forms of content to hit the “end of the line” at different points. I don’t agree with the whole idea of all forms of content having similar endpoints and simply arriving there at different speeds.

    • Note: If Emissary Quests were nerfed in this way, they could probably stand to be a little less RNG-heavy. Just have the Emissary, period, and you could choose between Gold, AP, Resources, or one of the few existing gear categories.
  • Get rid of the arbitrary time gating of Pathfinder. The requirements are fine. The rep grinds are fine. But Part 1 should unlock flight as soon as it’s earned. Part 2 should be reserved for patch content. Add additional parts if more than one patch adds a new zone.

  • No more endgame grind to unlock races. Even the reskin types that make up the bulk of Allied Races. I’m not saying to unlock all of the existing Allied Races, just not to design them in that way going forward. A race should not be a thing locked behind a month of endgame play on a potentially unwanted character.

  • More complex Class Design. Not across the board, but sprinkle it in here and there. As it is, basically every spec’s primary DPS rotation can be boiled down to 3-4 buttons. There’s a good amount of CDs and situational Utility thrown in, but the base of every spec is a bit too simple.

    • Some specs have really neat ideas, but I can’t find them fun when the gimmick that drew me in is 100% of the design. Fire Mage is a perfect example. The interaction between Fire Blast, Crits, and Fireball travel time is great. But there’s nothing else to the spec. That’s it. That makes me sad.
  • Limit the “borrowed power” grinds. They have a place in the game IMO. They provide a means of power progression that isn’t stuck behind lockouts or schedules or pug requirements. It makes for good day-to-day stuff for people to work on. But they shouldn’t provide as much power as they are in BfA, and there should be clear stopping points, rather than a seemingly endless grind expanding every patch. Let people “finish” characters so they have more time to play other characters.

Some responses:

I don’t have a problem with removing rewards. Even if you scale things, the way it plays out will change over time once it’s no longer current. It makes sense to only provide the reward when the content is playing how it was intended to play. At least, assuming the reward was intended to have some level of prestige tied to it.

I do agree that they shouldn’t remove the content itself though. If someone wants to run through MoP CMs just to see how they worked, I don’t see why they can’t. If someone wants to do the Legion Mage Tower bosses for fun, let them.

WoW has always had an incredibly over the top & campy story. I don’t think it’s ever been any good, and at this point I don’t expect it to change. Vanilla was the exception, and that’s only because it was more about world building and didn’t really have any kind of overarching narrative.

I agree that PvPers shouldn’t need to do high end PvE content to be competitive in PvP. I really liked the WoD dual-ilvl system and currency vendors that ensured they could stick to their own content and PvE players didn’t feel the need to grab PvP gear as a shortcut either.

However, that’s about where my agreement ends. As you may have guessed from my personal list, I don’t think all content needs to provide paths to the same high-end gear. Lower level content SHOULD stop progressing at an earlier point. That’s fine.

There can be exceptions. The weekend events, world bosses, and the Warfront cycle quests can be those exceptions. That’s plenty.

We’ve never had control to begin with.

RP Choices are meaningless if nothing comes of them, and there’s no way in hell they’re going to fork the story multiple ways based on dialogue you choose. I don’t mind the story being fairly set in stone. Just stop with the Faction Conflict garbage.

Freaking, yes. Been saying this for awhile.

I’d say just allow cross-faction grouping instead. The group leader must not be in warmode to start a cross-faction party. No member may be in warmode once both factions are present. Entering warmode first pops up a warning saying that you will be auto-kicked if you proceed and gives you a chance to cancel. If the group leader does it, they get a warning saying the group will be disbanded.

I don’t agree with unbalancing the game to try and fix things. Just stop the bleeding immediately with this instead.


Class overhauls , be the class not the spec. Mop or point based system will work.
2 Raid modes with hard modes
Predetermined stats and sockets
Profession perks.
PvP vendors
Rep tabards
Story line choices like Horde war campaign.
New professions and more in depth professions.
More character creator options
Stay on Azeroth no more intergalactic space travels
More sub faction story driven content. Ie Thieves guild , Assassins guild etc etc etc

Dont want

Warforging , titanforging , corruption gear
Rental abilities or rental expansion systems.
Pointless professions.
RNG itemization.
Mythic and LFR. (2 modes is fine)
Paragon rng rep caches (see grinds)
Endless grinds, Light at the end of the tunnel please.
Path finder
Brawlers guild.

More is not always better , build on what works you have 15 years of data , remove what doesnt.

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  • Skies to be dangerous , take things ten steps up from the great worm

  • more decision making gear ( gear with upsides and downsides ) -like the corrupted system

  • keep pathfinder with the following changes -pt1 allows you to fly in Launch content . have additional pathfinders to be able to fly in each new zone from patches .

  • Current content world mobs to scale with ilvl - you should never be able to out gear current content

  • return of tier gear

  • gear fit for purpose , if you only do world content then the gear you can get should reflect that , best gear should always come from the hardest content , you dont need mythic raid gear if you never set foot in a mythic raid .

  • return of loot master for guild runs

  • expansion specific quests , gear , rewards etc . these say I played such and such expansion and should be kept

Dont want

  • to play with horde

  • warforge/titanforge

  • more races or classes

  • badge/gold vendors for gear

  • Catchup mechanisms - New/ returning players or alts SHOULD NOT be able to get to the same level as players who have played the whole expansion quickly

  • removal of race/class restrictions , we have already gone too far

  • Account wide anything - doesnt make sense at all , its a toon based game , not a player based . Our toons ingame , except for multiboxers , are never in the world at the same time , how can they share anything . Want something on a toon , earn it on that toon

  • trying to balance pvp which results in PvE abilities getting nurffed into the ground . If you want to keep PVP then make a whole separate system . PvE talents and abilities dont work in PvP and vise versa

This is THE MAIN reason i play classic…everything is available to be earned in the game.

I have characters on retail with recipes i cant get anymore, so if I want to switch mains, there are gaps in new characters I can never fill. Its not like I wasnt there when they were current either and it sure isnt a status symbol that one of my characters can make level 34 bear steaks…

It infuriates me to no end that things were removed over time.

  • Loot acquired from bosses or vendors, no random caches period.
  • No titan forging or any other kind of forging. Drops are fixed and target-able.
  • Get rid of random caches and add PvP / PvE currencies with vendors like in Cata. You can farm any relevant content to get points to spend on gear that you want.
  • Bring back colored gem slots for many slots, bring back enchants for many slots - professions need more work not less. Gear feels better when it needs some work before putting it on, plus there is more variation in stats if you need.
  • Potentially bring back reforging, it’s fine without hit and exp.
  • Have PvP gear have special pvp stat “resilience” to make it best for PvP.
  • Go back to pre-pruning class design philosophies
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Fine by me if it means they’re playable

  • Dance Studio. Give all races/genders the ability to use what ever dance animation set that another race AND/OR gender combination can use. This is will be the 2nd best method of personal expression outside of player housing.

  • Player Housing. FF14 does it and it works. Swotor does it and it works. Give us actual player housing for both personal use, and for entire guilds to participate in decorating their own fortress’ in any zones they want for theme or pure role play use.

  • ABSOLUTELY NO RNG BASED LOOT SYSTEMS. There was nothing broken about getting badges or emblems from bosses in dungeons or raids or pvp and just buying the exact item you wanted. It worked perfectly between BC, Wrath, Cata, Mop, and you replaced it with failures ever since wod. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

  • This one is my own personal preference. Go back to the MoP way of using LFR. Include as many or ALL mechanics into lfr and use it as a training ground for people who are actually interested in practicing their raid rotations and practicing raid mechanics. (include all mechanics and just make them hit a lot less hard, but are hard enough to actually be taken seriously and not just ignored with the brain shut off)

  • Mount class/species/families like in guild wars2. Make certain families of mounts behave differently when mounted. Such as faster acceleration, slower stopping, immune to dazes while at max speed, immune to being dismounted while at max speed in open world, able to leap upwards to high places, able to leap forwards to long distances.

  • Multiple sources to acquire tier sets of different types. Think of BC and Wrath, multiple world bosses, solo kill instanced raid bosses, full raids, purchasable 2sets or 4sets from vendors by spamming heroic or mythic dungeons like how it worked in Wrath.

  • Flying should never be gated or kept out of hands reach for a year. A full clear of the story on a .0 launch should reward flying for all characters on the account and this should be functional day 1 of an expansion. Same should be true for major content patches moving forward. Complete the major patch story and you can fly in the new zone, and you can complete it either as fast as you want or as casual as you want, and it should NEVER be tied to a reputation grind or other toxic artificial time gate.

  • More Mage Tower styled content with every patch. These challenges need to be up full time and have cosmetics in them that you WANT to spend that time to get.
    More solo mage tower, add in co-op mage tower challenges, and at MOST 3 player mage tower challenges. You can even add different recolors of the rewards for these challenges just like how there are recolors between normal/heroic/mythic raids, but keep them all the same models with only different colors like how you used to do armor skins back before WoD.

  • Professions MUST stay relevant with every patch. They must be able to craft heroic-raid-ready gear for alts, guildies, or for pure economic play. They might not be bis stats but it’s still a heroic piece of gear that is BOP and can be used until the user is ready to discard it for tier later down the line.

  • Return the original glyph system. It made it fun to experiment with new glyphs each time you got a new tier set that mixed up the formula a bit and made the game engaging back in wrath/cata. Functional glyphs will always be more fun than cosmetic glyphs.

  • Death Knight’s were introduced as a “Hero Class”. What you meant by hero class was they started off later in the game and got to the expansion that they should be in sooner. I believe they were “heroic” because all 3 specs were tanks, and all 3 specs were dps. 6 roles from 3 specs from 1 class, that is what made the Death Knight a hero class to me. While playing as a DK, just let people do dps or tank roles as they please, each have their own play style and should be quite different at their roles, but should all be capable of fulfilling those roles regardless.

  • Warlocks and Necromancers.
    Affliction: master of afflicting misery, pain, and decay on their enemies. (they fit the theme, no changes)
    Destruction: the complete obliteration of the area around them in fire and brimstone.(they fit the theme, no changes)
    Demonology: revert this spec back to what it was between Wrath and Wod.
    Demonology has some severe issues with how i play them, ever since it was my first class played. They should be a master of summoning greater demons, empowering their demons, and sacrificing their demons to gain their power, and eventually becoming a demon for even still greater power.
    Currently I feel like demonology plays like a necromancer. Summoning small minions that fade after a short period of time, and they have implosion to suicide bomb targets with the imps, which also by itself sounds much better in a necromancer kit where it suicides skeletons at targets with the bones being used as shrapnel for extra bleeding damage.
    Add Necromancers as a swarm-minion class and let demonology warlocks be the uber pet tank spec that will make BM hunters green with envy. (also demo locks should be allowed to tame boss demons just like how hunters get the PRIVLAGE of taming boss beasts. stop the bias.)

  • Cross Faction being added in 9.2.5 is good. Continue this.

  • Worgen paladins and Goblin monks.
    In the paladin order hall story in legion, we saw a night elf priest become a paladin in the order of the silver hand, and was a companion that the player could send out on missions. A priest. Who became a paladin. Just because she had the conviction to do so.
    If that’s all it requires to become a paladin then all worgens can be paladins after the events of legion, at the broken shore, and all the worgens we see in stormheim, all screaming for and I quote “We will have retribution!”. That sounds a lot like conviction to me, and the specific terminology they use is right up the ally for paladins to scream while going on a… crusade.
    Goblins are entrepreneurs. They like making money. So what better class is there to make money than a monk? Make your own beer, market it, and profit… while kicking people in the jaw with a round house kick because why not?

Blast from the Past its a RALPH thread :partying_face:

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I want warforging and titanforging back.
And the cooldown on changing covenants was a good start, but it needs to apply to specs and talents, too.

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Want: Bring back the MMORPG to this game which is supposed to be and advertises itself as an MMORPG. It’s WORLD of Warcraft, it should feel like we exist in a fantasy world.

Don’t Want: Tinkers, playable dragons, dragon themed class, more borrowed power systems, more Marvel “inspired” story beats and massive universal scale DBZ style threats and villains.

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Wow a 2 year old necroed Ralph thread

Don’t want:

  • Tinkers
  • Space ships
  • Laser guns
  • Specs forced to use guns (outlaw)

Do want:

  • Rogue tank spec
  • Class specific quests
  • Class inspired armor sets instead of zone/raid inspired armor sets
  • Cross faction guilds and grouping
  • Druids to be able to acquire forms the way hunters tame pets. Flag each beast as a combat/travel type and let Druids learn it.
  • Legendaries made affordable without buying tokens. Not all of us are raking in 100k/g week. Play the game not the auction house >:O
  • Continuation of creation catalyst in future tiers, so that alts can realistically obtain tier with less of a headache, and so that mythic+ remains a valid path to tier.
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Great job necromancers, you got me to acknowledge a Ralph thread that isn’t terrible. :slight_smile:

And i mean it. :+1: