When clicking my icon in the upper right, and choosing “Change Character”, I’m only getting 2 options when I have many more than that. Thank god one of the 2 was my MVP posting main!
Using Chrome on Win7 atm. However, it’s that way on all my devices.
Edit: Just tried it on IE on this same system, same thing.
I have exactly the same problem. I have 10 characters on four servers, at various levels (including two under level 10), but I only have a choice of three characters, instead of all eight characters over level 10.
Those three were nearly the only characters I had over level 10 when the new forum system arrived. I suspect that the forum has a bug that just gives up allowing new characters for posting after it reaches some max count. As a result, the character name attached to almost any post could be meaningless.
This has been going on since the new forum system was released. I have logged in and out many times, and switched my in-game character and server multiple times. Alas, I still the same three character name (and picture) options for web posting.
I wanted to add a pattern I noticed with this issue.
As was announced by Bliz, all threads that were active in the last two weeks of the old forums were migrated over to the new forums. As it turns out with my characters at least, that two week cut off period seems to have affected my characters as well (the issue described in this thread). Here’s the breakdown:
With Nov 15th being the date the new forums went live, the period of the thread migration would be Nov 1st to the 15th. The following are the last dates that each of my characters posted on the old forums.
Leviathan - Nov 15th
Seraemean - Nov 13th
Levistor - Oct 22nd
Foxlock - Aug 1st
Ntufnel - Aug 8th
Gremlin - July 20th
Taressia - April 11th
Baestie - 2017
Foxniomstor - never posted
Seraeme - never posted
Cordarstor - never posted
Bengen - never posted
Corbitac - never posted
Niom - never posted
Darnasaric - never posted
So referring back to the two characters I can select here on the new forums (Levíathan & Seraemean), there’s a pattern: Only characters that posted in that final two week migration period made it over to the new forums. And only Levíathan and Seraemean did so.
As an additional note, I saw Kalviery over in CS post a troubleshooting step to log into characters and move them around zones for several minutes in attempt to nudge the system to update itself. I’ve done that with all the Aerie Peak characters many times just about every day for the last two weeks. Just wanted to add it has had no effect.
Funny you mention that. Only an alt that I posted in under “post with your favorite character names” thread appears alongside my monk. No other characters despite never logging into that alt in years.
Just want to follow up. Just recently, my characters have returned. One difference is that non post eligible characters (sub level 10s) are not listed. But I assume that’s intentional.
I can choose any toon of mine to post on these new forums. I hardly ever posted on the old forums, and in recent memory only posted on this toon, in Technical Support on the old forums. I have posted in these new forums on 2 other toons on this account and seemingly I can choose every other toon in existence on this account to post here.
It’s kind of a consolation prize that I can post as whoever I want, because I am having a wide variety of issues in these forums. Can’t see “View Profile.” Can’t post a link (that’s a “feature” perhaps). Can’t edit my posts immediately after I post them. So of all the problems I have, it’s nice that I don’t have yours.
Recently, a patch was pushed that resolved my missing characters, so that’s good.
As for your missing “View Profile”, that should also be patched. Try logging completely out of the forums and back in. So far that seems to have worked for those who reported back.
As for the link, yeah, that’s a restriction of the three trust levels. You can however, type out a link like normal, then use the Preformatted Text button (the one that looks like </> in the button bar), and it will let you post the link. It won’t be clickable, but it will at least let you post it.
I appreciate the response; can you give instructions on how to completely log out of the forums? When I click on “My Account” at the upper right, the drop down offers an option to “Log In” but not “Log Out.” I’m clearly already logged in, I’m posting as myself, so I don’t know why it’s offering me to “Log In.” I just can’t figure out how to log out but I will happily try it if I am told how to do it.http://i63.tinypic.com/2iszjg7.jpg
When I clicked “Log In” I got a 404 error. I clicked around some various ways (should have paid more attention to exactly what I was doing) and eventually it said I was logged out.
Once I managed to Log Out and then back In, I still do not have an option to View Profile when clicking a member’s avatar, for most forum members. I tried logging out of the forum and back in several times and the issue persists.
I can see my own View Profile now. I can see it on a few other members (e.g. I can see it for you, Levíathan).
I can’t see View Profile for Nok, who already said he has his hidden so maybe that’s the reason I can’t see it for him. But I still can’t see it for at least 90% of forum members and I doubt they all have theirs hidden.
I appreciate the replies and suggestions, I am not going to worry about it too much any more as it seems there are active upgrades/fixes ongoing for the forum and I imagine it will eventually be fixed.
I figured out how to see any forum member’s armory, even if it takes a few extra steps, and that’s mostly what I was trying to achieve.
Just to be clear, you can now see your View Profile button, but it’s randomly missing on other people’s profiles?
Oh scratch that. I see that’s what you said.
Because the issue is local to each user, the fix only applies to your View Profile button. Now, you and everyone can see yours correctly. However it won’t fix other users. They need to do their own relog to fix their own button.
So you are good to go as far as your browser/profile. You don’t need to do anything more.
Edit: Oh, and Nok is set to hidden, so what you see there is correct.
(I started formulating a reply before you edited, so I’ll go ahead and post it.)
Correct. Here’s what it looked like for me when I clicked on my own forum avatar several days ago: http://i64.tinypic.com/xf564g.jpg
Here’s what it looks like today: http://i66.tinypic.com/2e3n1xw.jpg
Here’s another thread where I made a number of posts about the issue and included a lot of screenshots. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/plz-address-fix-view-profile-issue/34339
Edit: another thread where I made a number of posts about this: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/lf-darmoon-zeplin/18706
Well, phooey. Maybe eventually the forums will go down for maintenance and everyone will have to relog. I appreciate all the help.