List of Mary-Sues According to the Forums

i want mankriks wife to become the new mary sue come shadowlands

So far Thrall hasn’t been able to be a shaman since the end of WOD, all of Legion and what of BFA he came back he hasn’t tried to get his shamanic ways back nor magically picked up a new power or existing power and be better than everyone else at it he really isn’t as much of a mary sue as he was during CATA.

The only one I’ve observe who’s power originating from Plot alone would obviously be Med’an.

If I had OP’s perspective, I would honestly list every single Human Paladin; since they are a perfect character with no flaws or weaknesses what so ever.

I do hope that with the old gods out of the way he still has his bratty whelpling moments. I’m happy for his development but teenagers still have their bratty kid tantrums as they mature

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Have you ever repeated a word so many times in a row it stops sounding like a word? That’s how I feel sometimes when I read the forums too long.


I’ve learned that the moment a character or the story takes a turn that they don’t like, the WoW forums start throwing Mary Sue/bad writing around.


I never called Baine a Mary Sue, I said a plausible story-direction another poster was advocating for could wind up with Baine being a Mary Sue.

couldn’t we be mary sues? I mean we can’t die and we always win.

Some bosses that do this are simply testing / toying with us, such as the Lich King. Or they do it because they got pissed off. Just look at Argus after Aman’thul tried to remove him from existence as an example.