List of Hero Specs - Drop your suggestions on "better" ideas below?

Warlock should be

bloodmage (wc3 hero unit ref) between destro and aff

Felsworn ( Warcraft tabletop ref) destro and demo

Shadowmage ( another tabletop) demo and aff


Honestly all three of the Warrior names feel generic placeholdery.

Stormbringer will probably be the “DPS” one. Encompassing Elemental and Enhance. Pushing their lightning attacks.

Farseer will probably be Resto/Elemental. Ranged dps/healing bonus. If I had to make a guess, centered around ascendance.

Totemic will probably be Enhance/Resto. Probably making dropping a totem a regular burst window/buff. Since both use totems more regularly than Ele.


At this point just name the one for survival hunter Tinkerer…

This one seems too wordy. I just mean the aesthetics of the name having no idea about the talents etc.

This too

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Love the idea’s and the hat :slight_smile:

My hopes are that:
Sentinel doesn’t involve melee-weaving, as I’m assuming its between MM & SV.
And that Pack Leader is more than summon dire beasts that bite harder. Which is basically the up-coming tier set.

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I’ve been whining about the loss of frostfire abilities for ages, so I’m really excited about that. But “spellslinger” sounds a bit vague since we’re already that by definition. I’m looking forward to seeing what it entails.

Personally, I originally wanted a conjurer/enchanter, with a focus on summoning elemental constructs, levitating swords, creating more mirror images, etc. A focus on the non-elemental mage skills in-game and in lore that feel like a neglected part of the class in my opinion, abilities that feel whimsical and strategic.

That said, I’m pretty hyped. I do think it should come with a much broader visual overhaul.


Shadowhunter would be cool, and a way to allow 2H Shamans but I digress.

  • Sentinel
  • Pack Leader
  • Dark Ranger

all cover 3 unique “heroes”

Shandris Feathermoon
Sylvanas Windrunner

I would think think The Inbetween is Survival-Sentinel-Marksman-Dark Ranger-Beast Master-Pack Leader-Survival


Yep thats my interpretation too.

I think Pack Leader and Sentinel can both fit SV. Sentinels are Melee and use Traps. Pack Leader is self explanatory.

San’layn is literally the name of a race

We gunna have a spec called Tauren as well?

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This is my point. They put down words and expect us to know what they meant without context. We can only guess at the meaning because there is no context beyond “Hero Spec”

None of these indicate hero to me, they are just empty words without a stated meaning. We can’t judge something without context.

When people say they want an Earthwarden Shaman I have no idea what they mean. Few ever provide context to this. Very few mention that they want to use the earth and water elements to create a damage mitigation system or that they want to use the earth and fire elements for damage and crowd control.

Though Fel-scarred basically spells it out for you, it doesn’t sound very cool/interesting…idk what else to choose, but any other ideas would be nice to see


I mean. We will get the context when they actually hit PTR, testing, etc.

Yeah. I guess I just dont see a big deal in it yet. Its just a name, names can change.

Generally this means a tanking shaman.

These hero specs are just additional talents without the talent trees getting too complicated, bloated, etc. They will slightly vary two playstyles that we already have (for each spec). Not radically change them.

the race is called Darkfallen, San’layn are a sect of Darkfallen that operates within the Scourge.


At this point I’m just frustrated.

Ion(?), dev on stage, said they would change them if we didn’t like them and then posted a list of words without context as if that was all that was needed. It’s a failure to communicate, one I’m probably doing as well.

I dont know what you expected. Or what the alternative is.

That they shouldnt release ANY of the titles for another 6-8 months when they can release the builds with them at the same time?

This at least allows people to think about different heroic ability titles they like or dislike for when the time comes.

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My only minor complaint with some of the names is that they already describe the class. Demon hunters are already “fel-scarred”. Mages are already “spellslingers”. That isn’t inherently bad, or anything, it just makes me really want more context.


The abilities arent changing the class, though. So describing them class…to me…is ok?

What we are shown so far, they enhance abilities the class already has, and focuses on a specific aspect.

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exactly what I was saying… some of these spells dont seem derived from a “hero” but just reworded versions of already existing specs.