List of Guilds?

I know there are at least two Discord servers for this server and that people post guild adverts on them, but frankly, I felt really overwhelmed trying to go between them. I’d just like to know if we have a website or some other official list of all the different guilds, Horde and Alliance, so I can try and make an informed decision.

There’s a list right here in this forum. I’m old school, I don’t use discord so if people are using that exclusively to advertise their guilds, they’re not reaching a lot of people.


Hmm. Wonder if we could get it pinned somehow.

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Here you go!

I’m not really sure how things are pinned on the new forums sadly, but I keep it updated every day and its “bumped” super often!


Unfortunately we can’t even pin topics for our own viewing using the shortcut “shift”+“p” that is supposed to work. Best work around I’ve come up with is bookmarking the thread then going back to it when/if necessary using the keyboard shortcut “g” then “b”. I don’t recall seeing any response to questions asked when the new forum went live about restoring stickies from the old forum that were lost or how to set up new ones.

I realize my suggestion is just a bandage and not a cure. I wish I had a solution.