Lionheart Crafter on Alliance?

Hi new on Earthfury and wondering if anyone has LionHeart recipe yet?


I can do it on Horde side, if you want to work something out with the neutral AH, althought the AH cut is pretty hefty.

Any luck finding a crafter? Looking pretty bleak atm. Whoever gets that pattern to drop will be raking in the gold LOL

-Ineptitude- has the Lionheart Helm pattern.

I can make the helm for the alliance. PST me in game if interested.

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How much would you post it for if you crafted it?

Depends, but the materials alone are going for 6 to 700 gold last I checked. So it’s worth at least that. More, if you take into consideration a crafting fee or time spent farming.

+1 to Dralnu; just had him craft the helm for my warrior.