Need a holy priest, as my second monitor broke and I can no longer dual-wield wand spec.
One holy priest spot opened up, gotta get it!
personal summons for the first month to our last holy priest… from Mindwaste
RIP Mindwaste
come join us! we neeed you
on top of summoning, mindwaste will also make you candies. Join now!
Title has been updated! Warlocks and Mages both need another brother, and we have a couple melee dps spots still open!
Come on in, the water is warm!
I’m skipping Burning Man this year to deep dive into the classic launch.
Looking for some casters (mage/warlock) to come help me kill 3 murlocs at a time.
Still very much looking for warriors and rogues too. Rogues I can understand being a little hard to find, invisibility and all that, but where them clanky armor bois at?
man this guild is epic! cant wait to CHARGE on into classic! hope nobody in the guild BACKSTABS us! All of our officers are great@!
Deciding to apply to was the best decision of my life. Accepting that guild invite in game will be the best moment of my life.
These guys are awesome. Where are the rogues and warriors? We need you! <3
Hello there, I was wondering on where I may apply or join the guild that you are hosting. I am going to roll a warrior, paladin or warlock on launch so let me know what is needed. I want to bring a lot of laughter and have fun with new people while being a great addition to the team. Please let me know about the spots. Thank you.
We could use a fury warrior or a warlock at the moment! You can apply on our website at
Looking forward to see your app!
2x Fury Warriors - WTB
Come join us on WHITEMANE because HARIS PILTON isn’t an option!
Dawn of the Third Day.
Is it time yet, dads?
2:40am forum bump because I’m awake reading the classic reddit instead of getting some sleep for my 9-6 shift at work tomorrow
Where all my stabby bros at? Rogues and fury come hang out!
The rogues are hiding in stealth, we cannot find them.