<Lionheart>|Alliance|Whitemane-PVP|Semi-Hardcore|Tues/Fri/Sun 6 PM - 9 PM PST

Hey, just filled out an application and thought I’d leave a message here too. Hope to see you guys in the game! Can’t wait!

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P.S. my achieve point are so low bc I just switched to having my own account after using my dad’s. on that account I have a little over 16k.

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just signed up for my pew pew action


btw the test starts in under an hour yall trying to group up for the rush to 15 lol


" [Loot Policy]

Lionheart uses a Loot Council comprised of officers to hand out loot while seeking to be fair and keep the interests of the group in mind. The decisions will generally be based on five criteria: Performance, Effort, Attitude, Group Benefit, and Recent Loot. Raiders are free to ask for the reasoning behind a decision, and the council is to be as transparent as possible. A general gearing strategy for progression in each raid will be decided before raiding starts, and players will be made aware of that strategy as well as the thinking behind it so that raiders can know what to expect during progression and why."

In other words, if your not part of the fab 5 officer core or a GF of one of them, you will be last to get anything.

Vanilla is great but those that werent around for the loot bs back them, be aware of “guild” leaders “loot rules”

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Hi Lycomedes, thanks for your input! Baseless accusations aside, it seems that you haven’t checked out our guild info page on the website, and our loot policy section in particular. If you had, it goes a bit more in-depth on the rules surrounding the loot council, including the fact that members of the loot council may not vote for themselves. What this means is that in order for an officer (Ergo a member of the loot council) to receive a piece of loot, they have to be voted to receive it by the other two officers. If either of those two officers were to NOT vote for the member of the loot council, then the vote would end in a tie, which at that point would be distributed via /roll, as it states in our loot policy.

Our loot policy also directly states that members have the right to criticize leadership and ask for information regarding how loot decisions were made. As far as I can tell, there is no possible way that we could create a more transparent and fair loot council system, but if you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear them!

Ultimately, if a member of the guild is so distrusting of the leadership that they cannot deal with this loot system, then they should be wary of any and all loot systems, since at the end of the day it is up to one person (the loot master) to send you your loot. DKP, MS/OS roll, Suicide Kings, and all other loot systems will not save you from terrible guild leadership, as those types of leaders will find a way to screw you over regardless.

Our goal as a guild is to progress through content, which you can’t really do if all of your members leave due to rampant leadership favoritism. Thankfully, as aggressive as you are about our leadership being loot vampires, the goals of Lionheart do not include hamstringing our own progression through terrible decision making.

Again, thank you for the feedback, and for bumping our forum post. Unfortunately I do not think you will be a good fit for this guild, but I wish you the best of luck in all your Classic endeavors!


We’re just letting people run wild :slightly_smiling_face:


Looks great, been looking for a weekend raiding guild that’s not overly hardcore. I’ll be putting in my application!


Its not a baseless claim at all. Ive been playing for a long time and 100% of the guilds like yours, that have loot systems like yours will also have loot drama because of the nepotistic nature of the looting system you are using.

If it bothers you that much move on and find a guild that fits you


So as has been stated, people can ask at any time why loot is going where it’s going, and if they don’t receive a satisfactory answer, they will leave. If you think that those people leaving somehow works in our favor, I don’t think you’ve ever tried to run a guild, especially in Vanilla where maintaining the roster is the most difficult part of the game.

Rigging the loot council in that way would be extremely shortsighted, because a dead guild wins no loot. Even if we didn’t understand how important it was to do things fairly, even if we were were setting up some kind of scam guild to give ourselves loot, doing things the way you suggest would be completely stupid and self-defeating. If our guild ever falls into that kind of state it deserves to die.

Fortunately, we’re not morons.


Last night, history was made.

A newly forged Lionheart delved into the World of Warcraft for the first time together since its inception. The members, haggard and weary from their various adventures, found themselves gathered in Ironforge. This huddled mass of players, with levels ranging from 1 to 13, found comfort and camaraderie with each other through combat, engaging in duels of the highest order whilst waiting for the final companions to arrive.

Eventually it was time, and the members gathered at the gates to start their journey.


Forward they ventured, through the silent snowy hills of Dun Morogh, passing through the mountains, briefly glimpsing the shimmering waters of Loch Modan, all the while lending magical aid to passing travelers. There were hardships, of course; deadly orcs camped on the mountain passes, and giant reptilian beasts skulking in the murky waters of the Wetlands. Needless to say that the band of merry heroes reached the welcoming arms of Menethil Harbor with more than a few causalities. Sadly, there would be little respite.

The heroes camped out for the night on the Menethil docks, listening to the wildlife of the marshes, hearing the ocean before them gently lap at the weathered wood beneath their feet. In the morning they set sail for the glistening shores of Kalimdor and, after a voyage that felt like mere minutes in the company of each other, arrived at the beautiful city of Theramore. They knew they couldn’t stay, however, and immediately set off towards their goal: The Barrens. Travelling along the shoreline, the group managed to skirt the immense dangers of the locale for a time, only stopping their march to gently pet passing sea turtles. Sadly, all good things must come to an end.

Screams. Blood. Death. All the powers of the light couldn’t possibly resurrect this many casualties. The Murlocs had come. Standing at the edge of The Barrens, victory within a stones throw, the vile fish-men stood sneering down above the bodies of fallen brothers and sisters. The remaining members camped in the safety of the nearby hills, devising a strategy; they would need a decoy. Not all heroes get remembered, or written about in the grand legends of history, and that much is true for this story. No one quite knows how the group managed to get past the Murlocs, but what can be said is that the ferocious roar of a loyal beast was briefly heard, and a single tear rolled down the Hunter’s cheek.

The Barrens, at last. Northwatch hold, a brief reprieve from the hot savanna sun. Onward our heroes went, in search of something. Now deep in enemy territory, the fellowship avoided the road, traveling north. Yet even still, the Horde intelligence network is vast, and combat ensued. The first few skirmishes were scouts and easily vanquished, but it was only a matter of time before the Horde lived up to its savage namesake. Frantically our heroes searched by every hill, under every tree’s wide branches, until at last their prize was spotted.

But they were already here. A vicious battle broke out, and the blood of all races soaked the thirsty soil. Orders were called out above the clash of steel; “Delay them!” “Kite them away!” “Protect him!” “He needs to tame it!” Lionheart was eventually overwhelmed by Horde forces, the battle had been lost.

But the war had been won. Their mission was complete. The Horde could not stop the full might of the Alliance from achieving its goal, and the survivors taunted the dumbfounded enemy as their Hearthstones activated. Instantly the members of Lionheart found themselves back in the familiar safety of Alliance territory. The change of scenery was so abrupt that the aforementioned events felt like they could have been a dream, the musings of a wandering mind.

The proof was there however, it was not a dream, the Alliance had won this day, and a new member of Lionheart yawned contentedly as the sun sank below the horizon.


Tomorrow would be a new day.


It was an amazing experience. The amount of times I laughed last night was amazing. Getting Lion Heart at the end while under heavy enemy assault was the crowning moment for me.

Really enjoyed our first of many Guild events.


Server list is up! We’ve chosen ours barring any new developments.


We’ll announce our server on the 12th after the name reservation stage! :sunglasses:


Servers up all weekend! Go! Do the things!


Sometimes I lay awake in bed at night just thinking… “Man our website is cool.”


Sometimes I sit awake in the morning and wonder: “Why does Xhane have so many identical paladins?”


They’re a good class, Rolkan.


3.5 hours in Deadmines. Cookie defeated, but Van Cleef and Greenskin remain. It was a journey.

Waking up for work tomorrow is going to suck though.