Linking servers with MG?

Gnomes are evil by their very nature. So one Norman is evil and the other has to be super-eviler!


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You’re ignoring the fact that there was healthy and sustainable Horde populations on MG and a healthy and sustainable Alliance population on WRA. They’re not as populace as they were once before but they are there. It’s also better to have a balanced server population than everyone that plays blue go to X server and everyone that plays red go to Y server.

You’re also ignoring time zone differences which plays a part in whether you see how active things are.

I used to actually play on MG during MoP as Horde and while it wasn’t a humongous community, SMC, Orgrimmar and even Thunderbluff had RP happening organically and out in the open. There was also some really cool server events. Part of the reason I came to WRA is because most guilds and server events operated on PST time which worked better for me than on MG. I was also lucky that WRA had a good Horde population as well so I didn’t have to switch factions to find RP with the characters on the faction I wanted to play.

The only reason I’m back on MG is because my WRA friends moved here and they still operate events around the same schedules they used on WRA.

I mostly mean the server lore stuff like the old Court of Nobles with guilds like Blood of Lordaeron and The Church of the Holy Light. Now Moon Guard it’s Council of Three Hammertime and Stormwind Law Project.

I don’t really have a problem with these groups tbh, I think half the reason Moon Guard has stayed as strong as it has is because of these groups. Yet I know these groups rub people the wrong way and I don’t doubt some people have had bad experiences. I RP’d with SLP people without having the acronym in my profile and I wasn’t demanded to kneel and worship someone’s character for holding a fancy rank/title etc.

Yet I also don’t do walk up RP anymore so maybe that’s why my experiences have been fine with SLP and Hammertime folks. It’s the spiky on main folks that have made me avoid walk up RP altogether now.

MG Orgrimmar has some in it. Won’t find walk up RP. Not all like city RP on MG!

Idk, if anything Blizzard has been too conservative about dead servers. It seems like the entire game takes place on the top quarter of servers, since it is so beneficial to play on a server with a large population. If I had stayed on my old servers of Argent Dawn or Thorium Brotherhood I’d be missing out, because they just don’t have robust communities even after merging with other low pop realms (they probably should have merged low pop realms with healthy realms rather than tie them to other low pop realms, but I digress)

That said, it probably isn’t necessary with wra and mg. They both have large populations already, they’re just imbalanced. I do miss pre-SL WrA alliance–I’m glad the people saying “wra is good because I love the small community atmosphere” enjoy the server as it is now, but “small, tight-knit community” isn’t what WrA was known for just a few years ago. WrA alliance was pretty big! BfA and Legion stormwind was always bustling with dozens of people!

I haven’t played much since BfA so my opinion doesn’t really matter, it was just a big shock to me to see the difference from BfA when I came back to try Dragonflight.

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This is also the big thing, WRA wasn’t necessarily different because it had a small, comfortable, tight knit atmosphere and that’s something that had even some of my long term guildies shocked when they saw Gavinrad’s video on the server. WRA used to have dozens of guilds and an active and involved SW, it was all just a lot more…fleeting, I want to say? There was no server lore, no universally accepted canon, no real pillars to base things off of. And people liked that! It does, however, make it hard. Hell, in 2016 I got up to shenanigans with nearly 30 guilds and ran huge yearlong campaigns involving hundreds of different people, all Alliance, and these days it’s a rarity to see anyone who knows what I’m talking about.


Merging and linking are definitely two different things and the servers are more or less linked in CRZ content.

I’m not at all aganist linking the servers but only if that means sharding is removed which has probably done the most harm to every RP realm.

Thunderbluff used to be an active hub but sharding put that into the grave.

Actually, hard no on linking or merging.

Horde side on both servers has the misfortune of pvpers that either don’t rp, or don’t care that other people rp, and it’s annoying enough dealing with them on wra. Maybe this lends to issues with servers as a whole, maybe it doesn’t. It’s been a regular issue of people wanting to try horde rp on wra, seeing how much ooc chatter comes from these very same guilds, and changing their minds. So I guess be careful what you ask for, op, mg horde already has some people like this that idle in valley of strength, but you’ll get more disruption instead of less on the walk up scene.

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I forgot about the OOC people. Honestly, half the reason I got tired of Horde RP was after Legion Brill was no longer the small but active RP hub for undead, SMC was trolled into oblivion by PVPers and then there’s the people OOC spam and chatting in Valley of Strength. Then of course, my WRA Horde friends moved to WRA Alliance which was the biggest contributor.

WRA used to have the Mead Hall which was an awesome community and if you miss the Mead Hall. A lot of us are in Vigilants and are hosting moots again!

Also related-ish but back when I used to play on a PVP server, we had a really toxic PVP guild that always talked crap and trolled but they were just that, and all talk and could never hit Gladiator. So they actually left our realm for a low pop RP realm on a low pop battle group so they could finally hit Gladiator. They continued to troll and talk crap on alts in Trade and on the forums but it was like, y’all couldn’t even get Glad here, you don’t even go here anymore LOL

This was a partial issue regarding smc on wra too. Not the main issue, because there was a lot of drama between guilds and bad faith actors. But it was significant enough that they would go around and say disgusting garbage to rpers they were interrupting, especially after vulpera were added. I’m not talking throwing slurs, which more than a few did, I’m talking total strangers describing doing something explicit in say chat to your character, and then not getting actioned for it after it’s reported.

Different servers serve different needs.

-Time Zones (East Coast and West Coast scheduling time needs are pretty legit). An RP event starting on WRA at 9pm, is midnight EST.
-Desire to separate from other players (Example: some people have dealt with situations like a nasty stalker, and they feel the best choice is to leave the server for a new community)
-Not everyone wants a large community, but they do want some activity.

Also, MG Horde is active. WRA is not -the- place for Horde rp. The same way that there are Alliance on WRA. if all you judge MG Horde by is Org you are missing out.


Rp servers serve the needs of RPers

When a new player picks a server, they only see PVE or RP, they don’t see timezones. Most won’t look it up to see either. So they won’t know timezones until they’ve already made their character. It also doesn’t stop cross-server RP events from happening with participation from both realms as many people offer themselves as anchors.

People dealing with harassment should utilize the report and ignore features of the game, and if necessary, post in the CS forums for further help in the matter. This does not change regardless of what server you are on, RP or otherwise. PVPers harass eachother in the same manner, you’re going to find it everywhere. Using it as an excuse to not build a better community is just being complacent and adding to the problem. If someone is targeted and harassed, then the person harassing them has violated Blizz ToS. Simply open the in-game menu, click support, click contact support up top, select in-game issue, report player, and ongoing harassment to file a ticket.

So which is it? Do they want a small community, or they want more activity (aka more players) because you can’t have both.

Not an issue if Alliance is hanging out in Eastern Kingdoms and Horde is in Kalimdor as they typically do on their respective RP servers currently.

But wouldn’t it be more beneficial to balance the factions than to have each server be ALMOST completely one sided, instead of 2 imbalanced servers where players are server hoping over anyway to essentially do the same thing but with more road blocks?

Most people judge MG for Goldshire, but there are a lot of people both horde and alliance that know there is more RP out there than just that, and would LOVE a chance to see what other communities have to offer without having to transfer their mains or make alts everywhere.

With Cross faction guilds now, Having both linked could open up a VERY new and VERY big cross faction community that was non-existent before.


This is honestly hit or miss, and can take enough time as to push people away from game entirely. Which is usually what a person’s harasser wants.

I will say, I don’t think switching servers does much in recent times. People generally knew bad actors that were trying to “start fresh” on wra or mg. In my own experience, a lot of the people that were awful and harassing to me on horde here had moved over to mg. And as unfortunate as it is to say, I don’t think that was a unique experience in the past four years, nor now.

This is one of the most under rated reasons right here.

I remember there was a lot of skirting the rules like pulling guards onto groups of people RPing, even if they were in group and only posting to group.

“Oh look a circle of people standing around, time to pull guards to them and spam toys on top of them until they leave”

Alliance during the content lull between BfA and Stinklands had an off-realm streamer from Tich that would anchor into WRA to attack SW. They’d be like, oh I’m just RP-PVPing but do the same thing. Pull guards on people, spam toys and spam /s and /y

You can’t ignore the opposite faction if they are spamming /s and /y

Spamming toys and kiting guards to fight on top of you are likely to not be enforced by Blizz due to their own policy: PVP problems need to be resolved with PVP solutions

Turn warmode off

Now you’re just being obtuse.

You do not need to be in warmode to be attacked in SW or Org. The major issue with the Tich streamer attacking SW was because there was no way to opt out without leaving SW. Even if you weren’t flagged for PVP, they would intentionally kite guards to fight on top of you and spam toys disrupting RP. There was also a few times they managed to crash the world server SW on making it impossible for anyone logged in SW or EK to even play.

Keep in mind, similar stuff ended up happening to SW on MG as well.

The people that attacked and trolled SMC didn’t do it in warmode and a lot of it had started during Legion before Warmode existed.

Merging the RP servers into one mega server just makes it an easier target for the same griefers.


I genuinely wish we could get more care for rp realms when stuff like this happens. Like I love toys! I want to see a lot of them have their 1hr cds reduced as much as the next person, but if that happens for most of them without a revamp it’s going to cause more griefing and harassment.

It’s why, as potentially spammy as it could be, toys need need to have some kind of chat signifier of who they came from and who they targeted. It’s a lot more clear cut in reporting than constantly making time stamps IF you happen to see who did it.

Warmode doesn’t shard or phase from main cities like Org and SW. So it wouldn’t matter if the streamer was or wasn’t in WM. I don’t know why blizz thought that was a good idea for rp servers when pve ones are generally sharded to look more alive now, but it gave us issues like that streamer and the pvp oriented guilds here that aren’t always respectful of rpers in the same space.

Then these are the people you report. These people are not exclusive to RP servers.
There are going to be trolls everywhere and on any server you go to, you find these people in literally every game now.
Their mere existence isn’t an excuse to kill everyone else’s fun just because these one off trolls try to do the same. Report them, have the guild or rp group you’re with report them, utilize the CS forums or GM tickets for ongoing harassment.

Okay I’m gonna add something else for perspective here.

That streamer was constantly spamming his twitch link in say chat and yell when he would bring raids from off server. If he wasn’t getting actioned for the griefing, surely he would have gotten actioned for chat spam and advertising his twitch (which is against the rules, iirc). But he wasn’t, and he was doing those raids for quite a while to the detriment of wra-a.

Recently, there are a particular few people that will show up flagged in orgrimmar, specifically at the “main rp spot” for horde in the city. One has regularly brought pvp partners that spam chat with emotes, and has done plenty of griefing in the past by way of flares and other toys. A different one I’ve recently seen apparently exploiting an npc bug to keep attacking people, and when they’re around flagged, the pvp is right around and even on top of people here for rp.

Both those people have been here for over a year now regardless of reports, mostly not changing. I don’t know what to tell you, because I wish people did get actioned for the amount of disruptions they cause, especially without care for people here. But it’s as hit or miss as I said to the other poster.

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Well people not getting actioned is on Blizzard, and/or they are just not getting reported as much as you think they are/should be by others. Like it was said above, there is a special place for people like this, you click on game menu > Support > Contact support > in-game issue > report player > ongoing harassment.

Either way it isn’t a valid enough reason to remove linking 2 RP servers for the benefit of the majority. Especially as stated above, now that cross-faction guilds are a thing, this could be an entirely new community just waiting to grow.