Linking servers with MG?

This is why linking the 2 realms would be the most beneficial over merger IMO. Before the time comes where population on both servers is so small it would be irrelevant, link them, nothing really changes for either side, they still log into their servers, they just have a little more freedom in who they can now interact with and how. It’s really no different than server hopping other than a few key restrictions.

The difference is now people who WANT to remain within their own server bubble can no longer do that. They’re instead forced to see members of the other server out and about by default, possibly in and around their existing spaces with no anchoring required as you stated. To achieve relative isolation again, those people or groups would have to move or make other concerted efforts toward it. As I mentioned before, there are positive and negative aspects to this depending on whom you talk to and what those individuals’ priorities, prerogatives, and desires are.

One advantage linking would have over merging is that no one would lose their name though. Names would simply keep the “-Moon Guard” or “-Wyrmrest Accord” tag on the end as differentiation.

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Which just goes right back into what you touched on already, They see members of the other server, some might dislike it, but at the same time they also claim they are trying to grow their community. So do they want to grow their community or keep to their clique and not have others come around their RPing location?

I’d like to think that linking would keep both servers factions separate still while allowing the possibility of growth. Let people seek out their own cliques and communities and build upon them without needing the anchors. This is what building a community is about, to establish a flourishing world and make it feel alive.

Also yes, they would keep their names.

I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said, but I also feel like when you’re on a game this ancient and feeble, you don’t have a lot of options unless you scavenge on discord.

I liked all the old interactions I’ve had. But I’m willing to learn new ones.

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Man, if only there was a thing… like a feature. That allowed you as a Player to build, design, decorate your own unique home or style of Housing… on your own instanced plot of land… And in this… this kind of gameplay… this System. You could set up groups, or… even… neighborhood like communities and designate what people had access to your land/home…

I know it’s a crazy idea, and one that no company has ever attempted in the 30+ years of mmo games, but plucky little Blizz… that scrapy indie company could really revolutionize the industry if they some how, by some mad genius, managed to pull it off…

Guys I’m not going to merge the servers because it’s up to me

So let’s actually talk about me now

I’ve been Alliance on here, same guild, same community, same old same old, since 2015. WRA is for Horde? That’s news to me. Am I less Alliance for not playing on “The Alliance server?”




I know it’s a big ask from a MHP but can you stop being such an undead rogue for like 5 seconds

When talking about majority of the population that’s what it falls under.

As a professional faction traitor I can ultimately say there is no war in Ba Sing Se.

Look at the WCP. When I started the project it was like… 5 of us trying to make one Alliance event happen and now there’s 1,000+ members in it. Even if half are only Alliance players that’s 500 Alliance characters playing on this server.

It’s fine. We’re not loud. We’re not big. But we’re here and if folks want bigger and louder then they can stay and help or leave. It’s threads like this that people skim through and decide on a dime to not give us a try.


Unless Blizzard comes down from on high with a giant blue stamp designating the servers, MG will not and never will be The Alliance Server. Population be damned.


Can someone link that epic hippo fart?

Nm. Found it!

That’s fine, you can look at a duck and say it’s not a duck. But it is what it is. MG has a bigger Alliance population than WRA just as WRA has a bigger Horde population than MG.

Not saying this is how it has to be, which a lot of people are making the false assumption about. This is just how it so happens to actually be.

This is why linking the two would almost balance out the factions in terms of numbers. It opens up new possibilities and allows for new connections to be made outside of server hoping and RP events with anchors hosting them.

Allows for new communities and cliques and events to be formed while still giving those factions their separate continents and capitals as RP hubs, just with more life and a better over all faction to faction balance.

Here’s how I want new connections to be made: for people to roll up their new Alliance toons on WRA. No linking, no merging, no cross realm, nothing that relies on MG. The discussion should be about getting new players on WRA or it’s not worth having. This server has a culture, a legacy, and a history, ON Alliance side, and it’s fate is not to just get absorbed.


No one is taking that away from you so I’m really not sure what you’re trying to argue.

It just allows people the option to make and form new connections.

You still have that culture, you can even bring some of to the MG side if you so choose. No one will ever be able to take away that history or legacy as it’s already played out and cemented in time.

if they did merge, id like some updates to all the cities functionalities to help spread out the population (SMC with its spires is THE place for Dragonriding)

Isn’t it clear to you the people posting on the forums are very vocal about this issue? I actually don’t care if were to merge. I’d live and probably be grateful, but why is it so important to you to argue with ~10 people about it on a platform that hosts maybe 5% of the community on any given day?

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What percentage of that 5% are people who don’t even actually play the game anymore and just use the realm forums as a means of mild entertainment to pass through the monotonous hours of the work day?

You’re over reaching pretty far there.

You said it yourself, A vocal few who are a very small % the community. Meaning that there is no definitive majority stance on the matter because the sample size is 1) too small and 2) not seen by the majority.

So how would it become clear to ANYONE by only reading this forum when there have been people on both sides who have said both yes and no to it thus far?