I don’t think this is true. Maybe it’s your experience but I have many many many many fond memories of SW RP throughout the years. I do agree much of it was The Park and mostly taverns otherwise, though. And to be fair I’ve played on like 3-5 RP servers so it might not have been on WRA. Especially before it even existed
Yeah I dunno what you mean Vanndrel. Even back in vanilla the stormwind park was the place to be, Ironforge was just where you went to use the AH (though there was certainly a good RP community there too on WrA in the Cata-WoD years when the dwarf community was pretty big). My earliest RP memories are either in Stormwind or in the world, not in Ironforge.
I’m not a huge fan of Stormwind aesthetically (I think the “Stormwind Human” is one of the less interesting cultures in WoW) but its usually been an important area for RPers
The fact that the Worgen have now been hanging out in SW for THIRTEEN YEARS and we still have no amazing Worgen-y architecture in SW is a travesty.
When I actively mained WRA-A (MoP to mid Legion) there was regular RP in SW, even at Oceanic hours. It was always packed, and in fact I RPed there so regularly that I was rather sick of it by the end. Now I just miss it a lot.
I agree, I didn’t start playing on WRA until mid WoD and Stormwind was popping with people. It was honestly pretty comparable to current Moon Guard Stormwind. Taverns were typically occupied, certain buildings always had certain groups occupying them.
Iron Forge had the Mead Hall events, yes they were more scheduled base but every Friday you’d find people in Cask n Anvil and on Sundays Mythril Mug in Anvilmar.
Before I came to WRA I was on Moon Guard for MoP. Moon Guard horde had an active SMC and Valley.
That’s why I don’t agree with X server is for X faction blah blah blah because it was never like that until the scandals and a terrible expansion. Why people got so hung up on this I have no idea why? Are they just new to RP or some clout chasing thing I just don’t get it because if you’ve been around you’d know both servers have activity on both sides.
I’d prefer two (or more) balance servers with healthy populations.
Anyway I got some game time (because I was instantly bored with Elder Scrolls Online Doritos Necrom) and I wanna come back to Wyrmrest Accord because I miss being named “Miko” (hello level 10 Moon Guard Miko). But to transfer I had to log into Moon Guard miko aka Aviv and bear witness to the Moon Guard crowds one last time, and I gotta say uh like there are enough people to populate both realms. Moon Guard Stormwind is still ridiculously crowded, probably with a lot of wra expats.
Idk maybe the preference for megaservers is just really strong now but it is funny how this happened. Its not just “the game pop has declined, so servers consolidated”, you could take half of the MG Stormwind people and plop them onto WrA and have two large communities still.
So, seeing a lot of other posters say this, yeah I am also avoiding a few people who call MG home.
I did not want to say anything but seeing how common this is I guess I am not alone. I don’t want to come off as sounding like I think the entire server is like that, but MG has a lot of known bad actors.
…Like…really bad.
I’m only 110 posts in, but really, this would be a terrible idea.
Moonguard and Wyrmrest Accord are already the highest-population RP servers that Blizzard has.
Trying to bring them together, either by a merge or by ‘linking’ the servers like Low-Pop servers are, is only going to make the wait times for these servers (but mostly Moonguard) even more obnoxious, especially during events or launches.
It would be far more logical and practical to roll low-pop RP servers into the bigger servers and have us adopt those players and help them get their footing, than try and push the two biggest servers together and cause even more overload on the servers.
I don’t think anyone doubts the enthusiasm and good intentions of the idea, but it just would not work and would only cause more grief to the already battered RP scenes on both servers.
I actually leveled a new human on MG a couple weeks ago (dude looks great thank you) and I was kind of surprised. Maybe it was the time I day that I was in Stormwind or maybe I was just in the wrong spots but it didn’t seem too crowded. I’m planning to start playing my druid here again after I finish my mass effect playthrough so maybe I’ll try comparing around the same times to see what it looks like. I feel like I can’t have a solid opinion or what linking or merging would be like until I give it another shot on both.
Honestly though I think I might just not be the target audience for walkup anymore, so ymmv, grain of salt and all that. Might just need to gaslight myself into trying it again.
WrA Alliance doesn’t really have much to gain by linking with MG. The small size of the community lends a sense of continuity to character stories n interactions that you can’t really get on a larger server. Speaking from experience, you previously had to join a guild to get that sort of long-term RP. Now because WrA Alliance is so small, you can really just do non-event RP that has long-term connections and interactions.
What do you mean nothing to gain? What if I want to hold hands with an elf? They do that all the time on Moon Guard.
then just find me in duskwood, gosh, you can hold hands with an awkward elf boy that lives with wolves.
IIRC earlier this month cities were sharded due to the diablo crossover event so you may have seen that.
Oh hey that was you? I think I met him on my Dracthyr, he is a very nice undead elf boy with a very cool story.
yeah! I got excited, i don’t think we’ve ever actually gotten to RP with each other even while we’ve known each other. It was a very nice RP, i love Tom and I think Mal should have more adventures with his cat.
honestly part of me is down with a merge just because stormwind being a graveyard is depressing to look at
i’ve been alliance since WoD and even during that travesty of an expansion RP was poppin’ and you could find someone to walk up to anywhere besides like the trade district
makes me sad because i don’t particularly want to go to moon guard but i’ve been considering it heavily this last little bit
If you are looking for rp id love to talk more about setting stuff up and connecting you to the people you are looking for! WrA still has rp. It just takes a little more searching to find it rn until we can get more folk to see through the lie that we are “dead”.
Furious blushing
I feel like holding hands with a Hunter would expose me to all kinds of bacteria.
this could be it actually i’m not sure the exact time frame i was walking around
i did see some RPers walkin around just not the furious tempest i was expecting