Limited Supply Vender Recipes

Thats not all we ask.

“With Classic, people would bring things up and we would do a deep dive and be like, ‘Hey, this is exactly how it works.’ And they’re like, ‘Okay, but that’s not what I remember’… With Burning Crusade, rather than have us just answer ‘this is how it was’, the question is, well, what do you think it should be? And we’ll listen. Because ultimately, we’re making a game for the people that want to play it. ” - Patrick Dawson, Production Director at Blizzard

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You clearly do not understand a feral rotation

Ticks of 20 please and thank you. That’s all we ask

100% is not all we ask friendo

Please, enlighten me.

I’ve only raided as Feral DPS from MC through Naxx, would love to know what I’ve been doing wrong all this time.

Your original reply proves that you did not do any of that as a feral.

every blue post about anything is swarmed by fury war… i mean druids who cant fathom the idea of blizzard not redoing the code so it matches their headcanon

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You mean the code that we had up until 1 day before prepatch?
We had the energy continuing through for all of the testing phase.

What can be farmed and controlled will be farmed and controlled.
That’s pretty much the classic servers precept.

I hear ferals have other abilities than just shread. Use those instead of just waiting for energy ticks to use shread? Keep your bleeds on target perhaps? A lot of things ferals can do, than just wait for shread.

every blue post about anything is swarmed by fury war… i mean druids who cant fathom the idea of blizzard not redoing the code so it matches their headcanon

Rich coming from an ALLIANCE PALADIN. The irony is unreal

Distinctly average since I’ve never cared for parses but go ahead.

you just mad blizz doesn’t love you as much as the golden bois


Gotta admit this is my first time being on one, don’t really chase them down. I didn’t even think of the Shapeshift energy tick issue until I responded to someone else.

No point to it anyway, they’re like lightning. Never strike the same place twice.

This thread will probably get locked once it’s derailed from the topic enough, but ty blizz for being proactive this time. This legit would of hard locked most new players from leveling certain profs with how inflated gold’s become

No, this isn’t a good change. Not being able to buy the patterns on the Auction House is a direct nerf to power leveling. I understand that it will be terrible to buy from these vendors at launch but making them unlimited and BOP isn’t the solution. Please revert and increase the respawn time dramatically.

Yes, also revert or fix Druid energy ticks while you’re at it, thanks.

Awwwww hate to see it lol


Lol it is the solution. Anyone against this change can be safely assumed to have made an army of alts to jack up the price, and they deserve to be mad for having such a pathetic life.


Recipe: Super Mana Potion remains a limited supply and not Bind-On-Pickup on the Beta.

Any intentions of making these same adjustments to the recipe before launch? This recipe is very important in leveling alchemy and will be a severe bottleneck for players if it remains unchanged.

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Alot of my gold came from doing this kinda happy its getting changed though