Limit of Aspects' Token of Merit

The limit is 10, Bottled Essence is 12… why is this?

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eh? Stack count says (12) on wowhead.


It stacks up to 12.
Check in game


And here I was going to make a joke about hot dogs coming in packs of 10 and the hot dog buns coming in packs of 8. :smiley:


Cause they don’t expect people to save up on them :rofl:

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I have 10, if I were able to collect the 4 in the Vault, I would have 14.

It will not let me collect the 4 in the vault because it would be over 12.

12 token cap is stupid… it’s possible to end up with more than 12. There is nothing you can buy that would make a player insanely OP because you have more than 12 tokens.

This is so assinine.


Shift-click on the stack. Take 2 out and delete them. Collect the 4 from the vault.

That’s just how items labeled “unique” work. The only way for you to have more than the specified number on that character is if they’re in the mail.


Dude, don’t ever respond to any of my post. EVER.

…what? They’re not going to magically change the stack limit just for you. If you want the 12 to buy an essence, but you don’t want to spend them on anything else, that’s how you do it.


I told you not to respond. Ever.

There are other items to buy.

Delete currency that only shows up weekly… proves you have a single digit game IQ.

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You’re going to hate me now, too, but the game is going to do what it was coded to do. Having a higher game IQ means you know how to work around the rules to benefit yourself as much as possible.

Unless the devs implement some kind of hotfix, separating 2 from the stack and deleting it is the only way for you to buy Bottled Essence this week. And if you refuse to take out your 4 this week, you might overwrite that reward with your next reward, wasting even more tokens in the process.

This forum is so infested with trolls. I already sent in a bug report.

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Is it a bug if the intent is to limit you to 12?


It is a shame, though, that there’s nothing to spend just 2 tokens on.

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Yes, it is a bug.

You can have 10 tokens and be rewarded with as many as 6 per week. Which means the cap has to be 16 or higher, or you won’t be able to collect your tokens.

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Then it warks the same as any other capped currency in the game.

You could buy something and then collect your tokens.

I’m sorry, just not seeing how this is a bug.


The problem is, you don’t comprehend and don’t have enough information.

There is a 12 token item, Spark of Inspiration.

I already have 10 tokens and can’t collect the 4 in the vault because of short-sighted 12 cap on tokens.

Understand now?

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Yeah how dare you provide a sensible solution to a problem arbitrarily created by blizzard! The nerve!


Umm you’re currently stuck at 10 unable to collect the other 2. They gave you a solution that works and you rejected it, and rudely at that. You either need to spend or delete some tokens to make room. If not at end of week you haven’t maximized your token potential.

So who really has the single digit IQ here? Currently your stuck at 10 tokens and whining on the forums isn’t going to fix your problem.


No, I understand it fine.

The current cap is 12. That’s working as intended.

Now, it being a good idea on Blizzard’s part to cap them at 12 is debatable. And, to be honest, I agree with you here.

But, it’s still intended behavior.

Which means it’s not a bug.

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