Lilian is going to kill Sylvanas

At the hour of her third death, she ushers in our coming.

I believe the only reason Lilian is partnering up with the Horde, a faction she once said she had zero interest in joining, is so she can get close to Sylvanas so that she might murder the Dark Lady. After all, Lilian Voss hates necromancers and that’s what Sylvanas has become, a necromancer; bring people back and ‘forcing’ them to serve(*).

Lilian Voss, a hella powerful rogue-mage-monk(?), has spent the better half of her undead life crusading against the Scarlet Crusade and necromancers such as Darkmaster Gandling of Scholomance. I believe her next target IS the necromancer rising and commanding countless new undead; Sylvanas.

All the pieces are here, mark my words! Lilian will attempt to kill Sylvanas in the near future, I just now it.


This is another way of saying “Calling it now!”

But yeah, this theory has been floating around ever since discovering her dialogue concerning her continued loyalties to the Uncrowned and her doing what she must, similar to Garona. It sounds as though the two of them are playing a part in a scheme.

The plot thickens more with the introduction of Valeera, another Shadowblade, into BfA’s story. She as well doesn’t seem to be entirely pro-Sylvanas, informing the Alliance about Baine’s plan to deliver Derek to Theramore. While I don’t know if Lilian is going to be the one to kill Sylvanas (I believed during BfA’s alpha that they were setting her up as the new Dark Lady), I do think we’ll be seeing more of the Uncrowned again.


Just another reason to not like Lilian, if it happens.


Sylvanas can’t fit the description, she already died three times.


Also hasn’t it already been confirmed slyvanas isnt dying?

Once in life and two in death. Perhaps it’s referring to if she dies again. :point_right: :point_right:

That, or Garona does it. I for one wonder what Nathanos’ role in the future will be, in both the videos and the novel, he seems to be genuinely surprised by many of Sylvanas’ actions as of late.


No that quote is for alleria, didn’t she state she died rewice. Also same with tryande she said she felt like she felt like she died with the sundering and what not and now with night warrior she is yawing shadow magic :eyes:

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The exact quote is this:

“Sylvanas’ destiny is to be found out and discussed by the player base, but it would be dismissive to think she’ll just go down as another raid boss, because she’s a little bit more than that. Does that mean you will not fight her? Not necessarily true either. The reality is you can fight her every day of the week in Grommash Hold, in a raid, right now. But I do think there’s a lot more to Sylvanas’ story that hasn’t been told yet.”

Could mean she won’t die, or it could mean that her death will be truly epic, unlike your “average” raid boss.


I think Delaryn Summermoon will kill Sylvanas. Clearly they have plans for her, considering she makes an appearance in the Warfront, but isn’t killed. And considering BfA is just a rehashing of the Warcraft 3 storyline, Sylvanas filling the role of Arthas, and Delaryn filling the role of Sylvanas, it feels like her natural progression would be to follow in Sylvanas’ footsteps and try to get revenge on the person who raised her into undeath.


I still think the best actual path forward is for the Alliance to unilaterally kill Sylvanas. (as in, no Horde rebellion nonsense.)

It was also confirmed Grom would be the last raid boss of wod.

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I started playing maybe 2 months before legion so I’m going to assume he wasnt?


The devs said we would enjoy the ending. Lilian killing off Sylvanas and giving Sylvanas’ head to Ritssyn Flamescowl to Re animate the skull would be enjoyable.
Then some edgelord could come along and steal the skull and consume it to become a demon, and keep whats left to talk to her about its deep dark feelings about a girl that doesnt like the edgelord for all eternity.

Not only has Sylvanas died three times, but Blizzard has made a point of emphasizing each of those deaths with in-game events, references, and a short story.

So it would seem odd for them to get the number wrong when it comes to this prophecy. I just don’t think it can be about Sylvanas.


But even if she does die, it doesn’t mean that it’s impossible for some version of her to resurface again in the future. Look at the titans being brought back, or Illidan for that matter.

he wasn’t, they also confirmed garrosh wouldnt be a villainous character, before they made him a villainous character

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Then again, that’s assuming the Old Gods and their minions would consider Sylvanas the undead Banshee Queen to be the same person as Sylvanas the living high elf.

They may well view the two as entirely different entities, with the former being born by Arthas’ hand rather than slain.

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Yes, very true. I’d be surprised if she’s permanently gone, even if she does die in this expansion. But they haven’t flat-out told us she won’t die, is my point.

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But that would still equal four deaths. When a person dies in WoW, whether dead or undead it still counts as a death. It would be odd for that part of the prophecy to have such as specific stipulation. The simplest answer is usually true.