Lil' XT question

Just curious, was this pet removed from the store? When I look in the shop in game or on the website I don’t see it at all. I’ve also quadruple checked and I definitely don’t have it :/.

Lil’ XT, along with 2 other battle pets, were recently “retired” from the Blizzard Store.

We’re sending nine of our Blizzard Shop and in-game store items into hibernation* on January 6, 2019

Bring Lil’ XT, Moonkin Hatchling (both Horde and Alliance version), and Cenarion Hatchling home to your collection.

*Items in the See You Later Bundle may return to the Blizzard Shop and in-game shop at some point in the future.

So no longer available at the moment, but it might return at an unknown date in the future.

Edited with quotes from the Blizzard announcement.


It might be expensive to get now, but there are still Landro’s Lil’ XTs available from the old loot cards. Occasionally you see them for auction in game or you can still buy the loot cards on ebay.

It’s basically the same pet, similar stats.

Lil XT is a TCG pet. Lil KT is a Blizzard Store pet.

This if you want Landro’s Lil XT.

“Landro’s Lil XT” (the TCG pet) is not the same pet as “Lil XT” (the former store pet), though they do have the same model - a mech, based on XT-002 from Ulduar. “Lil KT” is a different store pet, and has a lich model, based on Kel’Thuzad from Naxxramas.


Yeesh that sucks, they also retired 3 mounts. Had no idea as I was on break at the time, oh well. Thanks for the response.

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Thread resurrection: I was searching for more info about this pet as it’s now part of Prime Gaming. FYI. Currently available for folks who want it and are Prime Gaming members.

h t t p s ://


Any idea what would happen if I go claim this XT now …seeing I already have XT from years ago…due to great thing of being a train wrecker…what would happen if I claim another one from my Amazon account?

I claimed it on Prime Gaming yesterday while already having one in my pet journal. I have yet to receive any notification about the new one. I can only assume it has to do with Lil’ XT being unique and thus you cannot have more than 1 at a time.


From my experience with a previous Blizzard giveaway (IIRC it was Cenarion Hatchling from a Twitch Drop), you can’t collect another if you already have one unless it’s specified that you get a second. So you can try for another but don’t get your hopes up I guess


Just wanted to post an update since I didn’t check til now. While I did not receive Lil’ XT on this NA license (due to already having one here), I did receive it on my EU starter license (since that license didn’t have Lil’ XT yet).

So I at least know that the promo came through correctly.

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