I just started playing Lightsmith and I have one simple question. If I am wrong please inform me.
When you enchant your weapons with the light, it only can go on the Paladins weapon, correct?
If that’s the case, why would you have the clunky need to select the weapon since you can only use it on yourself anyway?
No. It you put it on a different person and gets duplicated on you (at least as holy I play that way).
I think they mean Rite of Sanctification/Adjuration.
Maybe you can enchant more than one weapon for swaps. Like a 2-hander and a one-hander.
Cuz that would totally make sense.
There is a macro to automatically use it on your equipped weapon. I also think it’s weird that it does not function like Shaman imbues… but there is at least a work around for it.
Doesn’t make sense to me. Prot doesn’t use 2H.
But then again, maybe that’s something to look into? Have to account for Prot abilities that require 1H or Shield and see what’s left. And I’m guessing that a weapon-swap would use a GCD. Lots of factors to take into account…
I was just kidding, of course. Holy can make sub optimal use of 2-handed weapons.
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As Prot, I’m looking to find ways to do as much sustained damage as possible. In theory, if it made a significant difference, I could see developing a rotation that weaves 1H and 2H weapon swaps using a macro for such.
This would be similar to how ESO has 2 weapon bars and you’re constantly going back and forth between them for various buffs and abilities.
The difference would be that in WoW, we’re limited to the abilities allowed by our spec. In ESO, the abilities are independent of spec.
I can verify that this does work. I cast Rite of Sanctification on my equipped 1h, and on a 2h in my bags, and it stayed on both thru several weapon swaps.
Now I need a macro for quick weapon swap…