<Lights Out> 10/10 AOTC Looking for More!

Guild & Server: Horde Mal’Ganis
Raid Times/Days: Wednesday and Thursday nights 8-11PM EST
Current Progression: 10/10 Heroic Castle Nathria AOTC
Recruitment Contacts: Discord - Spankeyy#4090
Wowprogress: https://raider.io/guilds/us/malganis/Lights%20Out
Requirements: 90%+ attendance, willingness to learn and adapt, good attitudes, preparedness for raid, knowledge of your role, knowledge of fights prior to raid, being on time. We will always be getting AOTC each and every tier and depending on roster size we may dabble in mythic. If you have any questions please ask! Apply Here -->> https://forms.gle/jsDWwuTcyqwKkZp47
Needs: Healers (Resto Sham Holy Pally) and Ranged DPS Needed