<Lightnings Hand> Recruiting for Aberrus Raid

<Lightning’s Hand> of Nesingwary, Nazgrel & Vek’nilash is recruiting! We’re looking for Alliance or even Horde players to join us for progression in the new Aberrus raid. We’re a semi-casual heroic raiding guild: we seek fun while killing bosses.

We strive to create a laid-back, yet everyone pulls their weight sort of atmosphere. Our members are adults that range in age from twenty to great-grandparents and we have many active couples and family members. Lightning’s Hand has been successfully raiding together for over a decade, and we always collect Ahead of the Curve (AOTC). We raid every Tuesday and Wednesday from 7:30 to 10:00 Central Time. The new raid opens soon; join us now!

What are we looking for? Folks to punch holes in our enemies! We need a tank and more DPS, but we’re always accepting back-ups and casuals! If you have an inconsistent schedule that’s not been compatible with other raid teams, contact us. We have many raiders in this situation and have adapted to shifting availability.

What we expect of our ourselves:

A sense of humor
To show up every week or give notice if we can’t make the raid.
To have a great attitude and be “progression” minded. Wipes happen; it’s okay.
To be helpful, respectful, and above all else: kind to our peers.
To respect our teammates time by being ready to go at the beginning of raid.

Interested in joining us?

Contact Kula-Nesingwary (Kula#1474) or use the in-game recruiting interface to request an invite. We’ll have you join us for a raid or watch a Discord stream to see if Lightning’s Hand is a place you’d like to be. If you’d like to see how our raid team works together, check out this recording of our Jaina kill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksfMfx2FEiw 1.

Never been a raider?

That’s fine! If you are willing to put in the effort to learn your class and raiding skills, we’re willing to help you be successful. We believe that folks learn best in a supportive environment. Shouting and belittling raiders isn’t tolerated.