Lightning's Blade old timers <3

Wow!! Add me


OMG long time no see ! I’m trying to install WOW now but might have to get a new pc, my system died a few months ago and not sure this crappy laptop can handle it :slight_smile:

There is an LB discord server, just msg me and I’ll shoot you a link if you are interested or anyone else is, Zasha#4883 on discord and Zasha #2690 in WOW

Not me! :smiley:

I can’t wait to catch you in-game and hopefully on discord, I miss your sexy Frenchiness from long past days on vent ~ there is an LB discord server, just msg me and I’ll shoot you a link, Zasha#4883 on discord and Zasha #2690 in WOW

Some peeps made an LB facebook page that has everyone talking about what server to choose and it has the info for LB discord for anyone that is interested.

I’m really hoping we all can play on the same server. I miss y’all!

What server is every 1 going from Lightning blade for Classic ??

It is hard to figure out. Apparently, there is a ton of people on Thalnos not even speaking English.

Herod / Faerlina / Thalnos

I would make your names on all those servers in that order. Remember it is not going live for another couple of weeks.

Also, does anyone miss Digital Gangsters?

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I sure do! =)

@Mia - You coming back then?

Edit: Justind

ofc Im coming back. Zyk too.

RED = DEAD, its the law.

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Ofc I’m coming back!


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Please tell me you guys will be on Herod.

oh lawd

I gave up at 12 the first time, so count me out :slight_smile:

You know the drill playboi

Krav wants to know who stole his name? He wont play now. He also can’t post cause he’s a nub 8)

Where’s the Lost Chapter crew at?

Right here! Pumped for classic. All amazing memories with you people on both factions. Betraying the alliance and going horde this time. Guile you the man, where is bird, and atleast renots is still going strong looks like

Herod is the place to be for LB.

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Elvy and myself are starting to put the band back together, Herod (A) Digital Gangsters.

Lots of original lvl 60 content clearing players are playing together here and if you are interested please msg Elvy or Guiledoom in game.

We have opportunities that are open but not for long.

Best of luck to everyone.

Putting together any pvp groups, casual or otherwise?