Lightning's Blade Horde Reconnections

This!! Where’s everyone going?

Any server that does not have Ibiki, of course.

Problem - undead rogue

Dreiss - Troll Shaman. Ran with what became Chain Reaction (used to be SiN, which then merged with Hounds of Valhalla). i didn’t play a ton after starting MC, but I do remember a lot of the names here. Nice to see familiar faces.

Name: Omaar
Faction: Horde
Class/Race: Male Orc Rogue
Guild: Mechanical Squirrel Army

Undead Priest
Guilds: EM, Old Skool/TFL

Recognize a few names on here, pretty cool.
Ish! miss you.
Nafa, you’re gay.



It’s Malfice (60 Orc Rogue) or Ronsan (THE 19 Twink Rogue)

Zerosen and Kalamity, as far as I know, will not be returning for Classic. They’ve been done with WoW for yeeeears. Let me know what server you go with! PVP obviously =P.

Can’t remember his Char name, but does Sam still play?

Malfice - Orc Rogue (Virtuous)

Ronsan - Undead Rogue (GM of Twink Inc.) THE TRUE 19 TWINK ROGUE!

Hey there Mulockt!

Joway (ud mage) and Shinok (tauren warrior) say hi! They most likely won’t be playing classic though :frowning:

Hey Zakol, I remember raiding a bit with Riot in The Eye / SSC.
I was dpsing / offtanking on my warrior Gunchor. I’m not sure for how long though. I’m a RL friend of Joway, who was in Virtous in vanilla and also in Riot.

My character : Alexandre, Warrior
Guild : Killing Um All

Hit me up !


No way!!! that’s the video made by Tristan right? My shaman is in there as well! I remember that was put up on the main wow website on the front of the site. We had our 15 minutes of fame! I also remember shooting that part near the dark portal. Haha good times indeed. I’m glad I never turned in my old white raptor for the upgraded epic mounts. It’s probably the most rare thing about my account other than the collectors edition pets for the base game and the recipe for thistle tea from my rogue alt who I barely played but still got to 60 when it was a slog.

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Suge - Orc Shaman

Aftermath/Timeless guild hopper :)))

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Blad - Orc Rogue

Aftermath, The Fallen Angels

Any Aftermath people chosen a server yet?

heyo!! its the one they called juggallo! I’m looking to reroll druid again… thinking about herod also faerlina as backup I remember plenty of people including shaaman. Would be cool to relink with some of the old pvp crew maybe ganath or ryanbusche, manoth… I really cant remember everyones names but contact me and refresh my memory

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Alejandro - Tauren Shaman
Was in various guilds, but I remember mostly Diabolos Vitae, and Eminent Mayhem.
Wondering what happened to my buddies Constantine the warlock, and Matonloco the hunter, and a few others that I never saw again until I recently transferred out to Area52

Odie- undead priest
I was in EoA and remember the names Jaundice and Thelma.
I didn’t move servers with the guild but if anyone else is around from Lightning’s Blade time, hey!

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Name: Atticus (orc hunter)
Guild: Virtuous

A bunch of old Virtuous guildies reconnected and we are starting on the Herod server. If you were in Virtuous (or Riot in TBC), add me on! Azmo#1107

I definitely remember you and thanks for the heads up. Sam is not coming back as far as I know but I’ll get in contact with him to confirm. I am rolling on Herod with a bunch of people for PvE, then i’ll be leveling a rogue or mage for PvP/farming on the same server afterwards.

Hey Zakol… We are on Herod server