Mish, Does my 1200 dkp carry over
mekkagob orc warrior
also played on necronis ud rogue quite a bit.
Hey Hay Heigh!!
Troll Priest - User or Username (I can’t remember had to change my initial name was deemed inappropriate)
Orc Warlock - Pootypoo was my brother. I rode his coattails into Aftermath after Lethargy blew up. Before that I used to play with a couple of rad Canadians. I think one was named Dafina (Combo of Dasani and Aquafina ).
Nafa, orc rogue
Eminent Mayhem
Hit me up if you remember me
Ishuchu, Tauren Druid
Guild: Sic Vis
Look forward to playing classic and dominating some more WSG!!
The man. The myth. The legend himself.
LOL… Hows it going? We are hoping that they make Lightnings blade one of the servers. Already contacted Clair, Atticus, Pup, Zekai via Facebook… Seems liek they are coming back.
I see darkone is coming back. Anyone else that you know of?
Yaroo is going to reluctantly check it out but isnt super into it. Rahvin is too afraid of getting addicted again.
If you check out vanillafriends(dot)com there are a few listed on there. Sorry it wont let me post a link.
(Also, check your gnome’s in game mail)
I remember you guys !
Hey there Dark!! We will be on Herod Server
Hey all I was in Timeless and aftermath. I remember Wiggum and our guild master Pire and some other guys like Aedak. I forget his original name that the gm made him change. I was part of the realm first onyxia kill with that guild. Good times. My character was the character I posted this on: Raitei the shaman who is now 15 years old. He even has the old school ride. I was originally in a guild called guildless that merged into timeless and later aftermath. I stopped raiding around tier 2 and moved to alliance with a friend from an older game I played Asherons call and spent the rest of my vanilla time there on Perenolde. To this day that’s where all my chr are still.
I remember you as well
Ganking incoming!!!
Me: Quallostro. BE Paladin
Guild leader: MaceofKnight
GuildName: …uhh, I’m too old to remember
Friends: EagleArrow, NoRain, SenorTaco
I remember all the good times…
Nafa. Don’t do it.
Don’t do it, Nafa
Yes nafa do it
I miss the old forums.
Grimloche - orc warrior - Eminent Mayhem > Aftermath.
Nice to see all these old familiar names here. I hope the new servers somehow manage to get the same level of community we had back then.
Speaking of which, I think the plan for a bunch of us is to go on Herod US East Pvp since all the huehues are taking Thalnos. Hit me up.
Raitei, definitely remember you as one of the old school dudes. Fun story: Pire one time showed up in my driveway and slept in his car because no one was home.