Wigg, Daen, Sel, Tox, etc - Herod Server!
Name: Vladamier NE Warrior
Guild: Whiskey Bent Outlaws, Guardians of Heaven, Malevolent
Anyone from GOH
playing as Horde on Skeram. look me up game name is Bonemilk
Name: Mordachai
Race/Class: Human Paladin
Guilds: Glory of War/Catalyst
Seeing some familiar names. Been horde on LB Retail since BC playing Mage, Priest, Rogue mainly. Skipped a couple expansions for personal development.
I won’t be playing Classic - been there done that. But GLHF and show 'em that good old LB classiness.
Generichero, Human, Warrior
Balance of Power
<Cuthroat - Matarael - Eliakhamul + Wifey - Tiala - Pigga>
Shout out to my tank brothers Julmas, Beowulf, Soulwrath would love to reconnect with you guys as well.
Had a few chars
Heln, human female warrior
Shockky, draenei shaman
forgot what guilds i was in though
Gunghira here, I used to run with you Baldie, and Drew. I was a human rogue.
Name: TwindDwind**
Faction: AllianceAlliance**
Race/Class: Human MageNight Elf Hunter**
i really can’t rember the guild’s name but it wasnt a huge guild but it was great pals. untill i got hacked and transfered me off to Blackrock…
Name: Quad
Faction: Alliance
Race/Class: Night Elf Rogue
Guilds: Chronology/Onslaught
Where you can find me:
Qdragon/Qdragoon/Vaporion Alliance-Herod
Name: Kimer
Race: Gnome
Class: Lock
Guild: Don’t remember =/
Used to play with Bloodhaze who hit GM as well as Klos (human warrior) who was brother with Blondy I think?
Dagyn, Gnome Mage & Awry, Night Elf Warrior
Good to see old names from Sigil on here like Fancypants, Gatorvean, Paska, Sanno, and anyone I missed. And hello to all you Hordelings who made life on the server a delicious hell.
I haven’t picked up classic at all but I’m still pissing around on live. I just found this thread so saying hey!
Name: Trisky
Race: Gnome
Class: Mage
Guild: Uprise, Sigil
Hit me up on SOM Jom-Gabbar.
Bigmike - Human Rogue - Reign / Humble
Name: Addhoc
Alliance DK Tank
Guild: Prestige Worldwide, Untamed then Coercion during the ICC merge for HMs.
I remember you!!
OMG GoH!!! I was in that guild too!
Hotwired here. Still playing retail. Still on the same exact rogue