Lightning's Blade Alliance Reconnections

Been a looonng time since I’ve seen that name pop up

Binyah - Guild Master of Gullah Gullah Islanders! We’re looking for our long lost Gullahs! (also those we’ve may have ganked in the process)

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Hey man, hows it been going?

Hey man, how’s it been going. I played on Nightloaf in GoH

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Haha !. Fellow pally Mitcha here raided in LC with you @ the end

NE Priest
< Onslaught > < Maelstrom > < Sigil >

Name:auramoon (hunter)
Faction: alliance and horde
Guild: angels of death, nightshift (aftermath on horde priest)

Brag tjani #1283

Name: Kuuldir
Class and Race : Night Elf Rogue
Guild: Unknown Entity
Looking to reunite with a couple people I played hella hard with! ( Ilovetacos, Shifty, Telkella)

My Tag is ChefHoudomi#1965

Dude thats awesome. I loved that night.

Miss you all!!

Name: <Knight-Captain>Hiba
Race/Class: Human Rogue
Guild: Balance of Power

Bigben!!! Holy f***

HEY! how YOU doinnnn!!

Hiba stole my name

I’m on thalnos :grinning:

Anyone playing on Incendius?

I did NOT!! :slight_smile:

Maybe I should start a guild with that on Herod. Seems like that’s where most people went?

I’m playing there now with Laranias, Bigben, Vichenor and Gaberic. BoP represent!

Classic feels like the game of old, 15 years is a long time… I’m hoping that Zyk Zya Mia and Aedak come back to do some real pvpz.

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Man, more than a few names I remember. Memories!

Human Mage
Hawtness for the most part

Curious where most folks ended up.


Name:Belgarn(dwarf pally) and Gim(dwarf hunter)
Guild:Sacred Order then we merged with another guild and became Chronology.
I only remember 2 players. my favorite person was a gnome warrior named Dendy and i think the raid leaders name was Tehema. i also remember fighting a undead mage named popcorn a few times.

Name: Fanraxmarx
Faction: Alliance
Race/Class: Night Elf Hunter
Guild: Night Shift

Looking for anyone from Night Shift who has returned to Classic. We must restart the running of successful PUG runs weekly.

Wigg, Daen, Sel, Tox, etc - Herod Server!