Lightninghoof Horde Reconnections

This is Gabel, was a NE priest in Dire very early on. Where are you guys regrouping? Handful of others from Dire are coming back as well.

Check your in-game mail. Sent you Discord info for Fury/Awakening/Reckoning/Atrayne revival guild on Grobbulus.

We will be on Grobbulus

Mafua undead warlock. Woe bundy, praetorian


Daragor! <3

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Blast from the past…

This is Joshua. Tugs and I still play together and will be playing on Grobbulus. Not 100% on names yet but we will be playing Alliance as gnomes. I’m playing on WA atm on a Gnome Warlock named Wimwik. Hit me up.

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What’s up Morath!?!?! This is Joshua / Reyl from the old Demonic days. Been a long time man. I’m still playing this damn game but we have switched over to alliance since Wrath. Tugsworth / Bohros and I will be playing alliance side Grobbulus. I’ll update with the names when we decide. If you haven’t decided where to play yet. Hit us up!

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Joshua - Undead Warlock
Legion of Khorne, Demonic, and a few others I don’t recall atm.

Still playing with Tugsworth - Undead Priest from the same guilds.

Remember clashing with the guild Salsa on the level grind up. The epic fights we had. Legion of Khorne was a lot of fun leveling with. Demonic and the raiding grind… Started something that is still going over a decade later. Amazing times. Hope everyone is doing well and look forward to hearing from peeps.

We’ll be playing on Grobbulus, Alliance side. I’ll update with names that we’ll be using in classic or simply hit me up in game as Wimwik - WrA. Thanks!

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Tugsworth here!

Can talk to me in game on Wra or We going Grobbulus, Alliance side!

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Talthon < House Sunstorm> Active RPer looking for old pals:
Arrakain ( Or Arakain can’t recall the exact spelling)

Looking for my long lost friend named Arkhon/Arkk. We played on a normal server (forget the name) then we played on lightninghoof, i was an orc hunter named Hons, my brother’s name was Trudge. sk8rboi#1374

Skillett here. Played Orc Elemental Shaman in the guild Shaolin Templars. We raided through ICC and had a blast. Looking for old guild mates like Growler, Xenous, etc. Will be playing on Mankirk with toon names Ohm, NSCLC, and Nivolumab.

Lokagnar orc shaman from fine young cannibals
Gonna be playing on grob. Any fyc folks out there?

Jezabale - FYC rogue here checking in for Grobbulus!

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Smitten - former undead mage. Rolling a cute gnome this time around. See y’all in there on Grobbulus.

edit to say: Smitten is also a full grownass adult now and not as annoying. <3


Heya Buff. Desauren here! Long time, bud. If you’re still around, send me an in-game mail to Desauren-Lightninghoof. Or you can message me there in classic when it launches on Whitemane.

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Hey I know that name :smiley: I’ll be playing on Whitemane-PvP server if you’re around for some more PvP with me.

Cant even recall what guild i was in, i think my old rogue was in cult of lukkos for quite a while lol.
Played mostly tauren warrior- Cowpierate
Was around for some of classic but was super heavy in TBC and played my shaman- Headset when raiding up through BT.

Dont recall alot of people from classic, i do recall there was that mage that loved lamp, anyone else remember him?

Im tryin to stay AWAY from all the bads I encountered over 15 years.


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Oh heck yeah! That was some fun stuff. I believe that’s back when I was rolling frost Mage :slight_smile: