My character was Hunt and I was in Eminent Reign(Horde side) and raided with them until TBC launched. We used to clash with Awakening at raid entrances fun times. Miss the days of gambling gold with Moonmaster during MC trash and bragging about Mr. Wiggles being top on the de-curser charts
OMG someone from the Pirates is coming back! Glory days are here again. Until someone moans…
Moonmaster and I went to college together. He was the one who got me started on Wow. ER/Awakening battles were LEGENDARY on the 'hoof. I remember whole zones shutting down at times, lol.
I saw some others on the VanillaFriends website. Cool everyone is still out there! Vanilla WOW and raiding with Awakening were some of my favorite memories of this game though I doubt most members would remember me.
I was a disgusting boy named Ramajama, troll rogue. I was bad and obnoxious.
Anyone remember Lans, an undead rogue, former paladin?
Hi Kildem! I did not play on LH in Vanilla but I remember doing lock/mage 2s with you for a while in BC. Not sure where I am rolling yet, can’t decide between Herod or Grobbulus.
Let me know if you find Ephie. I was Bravil during classic, an undead shadow priest. Lenova a BE mage in BC. We leveled from 40 - 60 together, and used to play hide and seek in Org with mind vision.
Played as Bravil a shadow priest in classic, and Lenova a BE mage in BC.
LF classic freinds: Shadoux, Wirzade, FMSchucky, Ephie, Meve, Destiny
BC freinds: Fallen Reign Guild? Tim, Lyna, and other guildies.
Yes! Mikalu! Also of four winds, rotmouth abd viletongue i met a few years ago on wyrmrest!
Butterball- Undead Mage- Enshadowed. Will be playing RP-PVP server… horde right now but slight possibility of going alliance.
For those of you looking for Ephie, she was playing on Wra and still visiting Stormwind for chaotic fun. One of the forum posts not too long ago makes it sound like she is looking forward to classic and should be around again!
Tribecca - Undead Mage
Drucilah - Tauren Druid
I was in BloodBathandBeyond on the horde side of Lightninghoof. I’m looking to find guild members and non guildee friends I played with early on. I didn’t play right from the start but I did join in Jan 07 and have been a loyal fan of the game ever since.
Papilon or Papillion or Pappillon Guild of Note was Dark fallen Reign with GM Darktim and after I was GM
Good to see you Papi! Let me know if you find more members of DFR.
I played as Daragor, orc shaman, and did anything from (mainly) PvP, to some raiding to some RP. It all depended on what was kind of going on in my life at the time, with college and my job and everything. I was in Praetorian, Kindred and Four Winds from what I remember. Classic has brought me back!
Sidrael here. I raided with on Horde. Also used to help run a guild on alliance. Was a part of Aenea Raids back in BC.
Sabby - Paladin
Sidrael - blood elf hunter.
I remember you and Grishnak
I played as Toregar in Grievous; Tauren warrior.
I haven’t played in some time … I ran my own re-roll guild with this toon after Grievous and did a lot of endgame raiding through Wrath. I went much more casual after that. I am 35 now with a fiance’ and a little girl…Adulting and stuff, lol.
Undead rogue, Eavick. Played with my father who was Velosh (undead warlock) in Grievous
While I didn’t play on this server in vanilla. I did raid with the guild towards the end of TBC when you was GM several others from Demonic joined the guild around the time such as Ellaine. I was a hunter named Fellmarl at the time. Still deciding what I am going to role this time but good to see familiar names around.