Lightninghoof Alliance Reconnections

Archmagus… did you run a guild that did a ton of BGs? I feel like I remember you getting a lot of dishonorable kills at one point after getting like… rank 12 or 13 maybe? I was a feral druid, Psyy… long time

Psyy - Feral druid in Fury for quite a while. My wife played a priest, Avianya. I remember when we killed instructor in naxx.
Bombar, ayya, archamgus… xazu (sp). I forget a lot of spelling and a lot of the names. I remember Teca, a hunter we used to play with before we hit 60 for our warsong gulch team.
Also looking for Lexi - Mage.
Playing alliance - faerlina, at classic release. Still playing retail as well on alliance.
Reach out at Psyonarrah#1378

Hey there.

I created a discord channel for old SoB members and people from my old SWTOR guild. Join!

Actually Remnants was the first guild formed by us RotJ’ers, Nox was not till BC, late vanilla.

Bjornegar - Human Pally
Columbus - Gnome Warlock
Thorgrimm - Dwarf Hunter

looking for Graistone - NE druid and Snowy/Snowstyle NE hunter

Yo man do you remember either Pallydann or Pheinix, the guild was Netherguard Consortium

Holy shiett Darimm 9-10 year old me wanted to be just as good as you at rogue lol

Shadys, combat rogue/hemo rogue at the end there before I went to Smolderthorn. I think I was in SoB for awhile. Maybe Finale for a short time when we were pushing BWL; I remember Ayashi’s tear downs fondly.

I remember Kall, and Nubb, Pothar, and the short lived alliance with IronTree until the SoB guild master (if I recall, Alexia? Edit: misremembered) left for another server.

I remember late nights with Daimxy (spelling?) getting sloppy while tanking UBRS.

I kept in touch with Chazerwick, Raminotaur.

I also played as Elcure in “The Order of the Pez Knights” with “Lacure”, and I remember ZG with Gambia and Pinktears before you changed your name because of someone reporting it as offensive.

Shout if anyone remembers and wants to play again.

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No, the only GMs of SoB were Illua and me. He handed it over to me, not long after we founded it and I kept it alive on LH. There have been re-creations of SoB on various servers/MMOs though.

Edit: I also mis-remembered. I did leave SoB and there was another GM after but that was BC era and I believe it fell apart shortly after. :frowning:

Awesome! Well feel free to join me, or I can jump over there, either way!

Awesome, sounds great! I’d join, but Pacific would be a bit late for me haha. Thanks for reaching out to Marcus for me

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Mordi and I will be back for classic. making a horde on stalagg and alliance on the rppvp server (can’t remember what name it is)

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Oh Aye I remember the old Clan of Legion of Don Morogh, that was a long long time ago. Im looking to remake my hunter on the RPPPVP serve (forget the name) and then im playing Horde on Stalagg with some real life friends but I’d love to remake the old RP guild!

My memories a bit foggy but was Laureldia the young girl who I always got in trouble swearing around back in Gulliotine? The name is super familiar to me haha. And boy do I remember Marcus. I’ll be playing on Grobbulus alliance and Horde on Stalagg feel free to reach out and add me I’d love to catch up!

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I memba Shiznay

Lol! If only I was as good as I wanted to be :P. And man, I’m pretty sure Sherrill’s still on the hoof…Incredible retention.

Oh LH, the nostalgia! Nihilius here.
One of the mad men that pushed rank 13 back then. (Vaguely remember just dropping off for 14.)

I was in uhh Juggernaut, Cadia (Awakening for a moment?) but also really remember guilds like Defiance and SoB. Might have been in those too before! Really poor memory here ><

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I was in Guillotine, did you have a toon named mordicrom?

I don’t mind switching, how will I find you? Have you reserved any toon names yet?

I haven’t heard someone use that name in a long time for for the bartendiest human rogue the park ever saw. I’ll be about when classic releases :smiley:

Hope to see you soon and all of my old friends again, to share the stories of the adventures we’ve had apart. Not sure how I want to handle going back to classic with regards to the character though.

Oh well lol I’m sure the RP community will figure out how we are going to handle the back in time effect for the classic server and I’ll work it out then. Faith, Lilly, Humph, and a few others I hope to see you soon.

Single - Human Rogue (before it was cool, perception ftw) - Lightninghoof

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