Lightninghoof Alliance Reconnections

Dang, dillinja. Long time no see. Cash here

@snowkittah wonder who else is gonna come out of the woodwork!

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Gonna roll on one of three EST PvP servers. Not sure which yet. Gonna try to avoid all the streamers.

Benwick - Mage
Rammon - Priest

Used to play on Lightninghoof in guilds Grand Theft Kodo, Bloodspiral. Now on Sargeras.

PS: If anyone sees Turtlemilk (Orc Warlock) making a return in classic, let me know, I have years of camping to pay back!


I think i am going to end up on a normal server, trying to convince my friend to do pvp. I will let you know when they decide

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To be fair, I was god awful at everything and pretty forgettable.

Same here, man… same here lol

OOH, also this was during Wrath and Cata but i played a Rogue named Fein, I cant remember the guild name but i played with a priest named Palimay.

I am Bansh-Night Elf Holy Priest. I played with lots of great people on Lightning Hoof and would love to reconnect!

Hit me up if you remember your old school pocket healer!

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Grubber, Gnome Mage
Guild: Doombringer

Looking for any of my old Doombringer friends: Unsober, Killbasa, Lethranduel. Been looking for my old guildie friends for a very long time now.

Faithbringer, Human Paladin - Silent Redemption.
Soulju, Night Elf Hunter

Looking for Mordicrom, Liliana and Single.

Gellfoot - Gnome Mage
Guild: PiratesofAlteracValley
I’m looking for any of the old pirates. Pillarist, Executrix, Ciarin, Palladan, Verdice, Cheesecake, Masora, Postop, Nihili, Raezkilla, Solbian, Cartman.

Fyrieus - Troll Rogue &
Furieus - BE Priest
Fyrieus - Draenei Shaman
Randerson - Human Paladin

Awesome seeing some old names around.

Ah! I remember you! Though it was back in WotLK. Raheven, Night Elf / Draenei Priest :stuck_out_tongue:

Guild was… Antagonist I believe? With Adagia and Brookie.

Hello Tatia. I remember your priest rocking Robes of Insight back when we were both in Knights of the Ram.

Ha you mustve been that french spriest? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, I was the French Spriest.

Darimm you ugly thing, I remember fighting you constantly. You camped my warlock alt for most of an afternoon one day.

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Male NE Hunter- Mirther- (This character, still on the server too!)
Male Gnome Rogue- Shadowstlker

Guild- It was one of the larger casual guilds that merged, forget some of the names but one of them was the Immortal Keg

I was horrible at everything as well.

Looking for- Orgreslayer (forget how it was spelled) and Kittiria- NE Druid (forget how it was spelled)

Character name was Rana, Night Elf Hunter. Also had character named Rissa, Night Elf Druid. P

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Opula the undead rogue…those were some good times! Though, thankfully, I’m a bit more relaxed now when it comes to griefing the other faction…

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