Lightning Shield, what the hell were they thinking?

Im posting in this thread just to laugh at this delicious delicious schadenfreude.


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So they directly go against this statement right here by giving Horde the + Swords skill from Humans that made them Unique.

Makes the entire thing seem very disingenuous.


So I guess you prefer your pvp when the opposing player can literally do nothing but stand there stun locked until they die?

It’s kind of ironic, you’re complaining about allegedly being killed and there was nothing you could do to prevent it , kind of like….90% of rogue 1v1s when the opponent is sapped, cheap shotted, kidney shotted, blinded, reset .

Pretty funny tbh,


lol right “ why can’t I just disable him entirely with no chance to fight back, and win the fight? It’s not fair :nerd_face:


Yeah lightning shield has always been a sleeper.

I remember dueling a resto sham friend and being amazed how much it did.

That’s not whats being said here at all, at no point did the shaman come close to dying, Not sure how “shamans shouldn’t be able to passively kill rogues” translates to the opposite in your brain.


So the shaman was disabled entirely, and you think that a more fair scenario is that he dies during his disabling, or maybe he comes out with 5-10% hp and you finish him off?

It’s so funny you not seeing the irony in you dying without being able to stop it.


Where did I say that? stop imagining an argument thats not being said.


Did you try not hitting the shaman?


Thanks for bringing it up, but you should not be shocked, surprised, frustrated or mad at Blizz at all, cuz if history means anything, it is pretty obvious that Shaman is the HERO Class, the protagonist and main character of this World of Shamans. All other classes are simply support characters that brings out the story.

So, if you choose to be a sidekick, you should be mentally prepared to a sidekick and quit complaining.

EDIT: Just join Horde and play Shaman, and save yourselves from the misery.

almost everything they say is disingenuous corporate talk


Yea I don’t take a thing they say seriously lol. It literally sounds like some of the “All hands” meetings at work where the CEO or CIO literally talk about nonsense that makes no sense for 20-30 minutes but proves to every worker they actually have no idea what they are doing in that position.


Why u attack the shaman?

Was a dumb idea like hug a cactus, Overcharge counters CC lock u need to burst and anyway shamans are enough squishy to die with 2 mutilates

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Hmm… a dagger damage fast attacker attacks a thicc class that has a very strong thorns and dies. (Elemental isn’t exactly vanishing, blinking or charging away or fearbombing you…so they pretty much just have to take the damage dish the damage, and hope you die first.)

Of all the targets that were out there, you went for the shaman with a big shield, and a lightning shield. Elementals get crushed by Warriors, Paladins, Bears in melee. But don’t try it with a rogue.

All that to say, they should probably increase the proc ICD to 1.5 or 2 seconds…the current setup makes AoE farming mages look like ameteurs- I like being dangerous, I don’t like being THAT dangerous, at least in PvE- hearing about the PvP scourge of vanilla axing himself because he mutispammed a live transformer does bring a smile to my face after 20 years of torment…

Also nerf the rune ability damages while we’re at it. (LvB, VoidP, Envenom, etc…)
Tooooo much damage floatin around the PvP scene.


i love wow classic andys maths. they are funny


damn thats almost as much as a white hit and a WF proc from a lvl 40 shaman. thats crazy that a lvl 50 rogue should even come close to that. should def nerf it.


Hey man I don’t want to confuse anyone with complicated formulas

You did say that, you made a thread about it.
Next time instead of entering into a 1v1 ( on your own terms from stealth) weigh up the situation and use some strategy next time. You might have to accept you can’t just stun lock and guarantee a win. Even better, on the topic of strategy, wait for a 2v1 and guarantee the win you desperately think you deserve lol.

I did not say that the shaman should just die in the stunlock, I said they should not be able to kill me WHILE being stunlocked. Those are not the same thing. Anyone not wearing irradiated cloth in phase 3 can survive the stunlock or avoid it completely with a pvp trinket.

If you can’t tell the difference between what I’m saying and what you’re saying, then you should just check out of the conversation as its obviously too complex for you.


On my fresh rogue my mutilates crit for like 800 damage. You sir are just a trashbag rogue lmao