Lighting STILL Broken

Yet again…another maintenance window…and still there are lighting issues in the game. No shading on characters and objects causing everything to be extremely bright no matter the location. Orcs look like neon lights in the shade. Floating lights. Blue daylight skies at night. Random flashing light or dark squares on glowing effects. Square shadows that cut through objects as the camera turns.

What is the excuse now? How long do we have to keep waiting till this is fixed?

Bump, some zones dont have proper night modes (ex: Tanaris, Hillsbrad, Redridge & Stormwind) like they should and i’ve also encountered a bug with Weather.

I had it rain in Wetlands when I was flying into badlands and it was purple! as if it seems a texture is missing? Happened on a stock model Microsoft Surface pro 7. No idea why it was happening but I havent experienced an area with rain yet on my main desktop pc (with an RTX card, super powerful) to see if its a Surface problem, or the client overall.

Check out this night outside of ironforge…the damn sky is still blue like day light

Bumping again to point out that the skybox in Tanaris has been broken since launch of Classic WoW.
Someone on reddit posted a screenshot from 2007 showing the original skybox to retail…and it’s exactly the same as the one in Classic!

https:// old.reddit. com/r/wow/comments/nmp05i/made_a_comparison_to_a_vanilla_screenshot_with/

And proof that its the same, and still in the TBC client, here’s my own screenshots.
i.imgur .com/XEkIFCH.jpg

This screenshot was taken at night back in P4 (Spring-Summer 2020) before the AQ gates when I was levelling this warlock. and is still the same in game now in 2021. Please, please fix the nights and lighting issues in the game Blizz :frowning:

I’m going to check out Tanaris tonight. I’ve checked out plenty of other zones and the nights are as they were in Classic/Vanilla.


Just outside Ironforge:

Tanaris might be a bugged (and overlooked for all of Classic) zone then, as Retail has no more weather effects and they look the same. Bright, hazy looking skies at night, and really bright sands. It wasnt a nice, dark blue during the night like the OP of that reddit post.

I have a screenshot from last week when I was on my warrior running around Tanaris at night and it is the same as well. ill post it when I get home from work as I got no access to my screenshot folders.

EDIT: Looking into it, I see posts on Reddit and social media from a year ago showing Tanaris with skies like in Vanilla and the OP of the reddit post, but only until we hit prepatch its been in perma-haze/retail nights. Really weird bug and I assume its due to the new lighting engine they imported from SL.


Well, I’ll be checking it out sometime tonight. If it’s actually incorrect, I’ll agree it needs to be fixed.

Alright, here’s Tanaris at night at 11:45 P.M:

There’s nothing wrong with the nights. Nights get progressively darker as it approaches midnight.

That is NOT what Tanaris looks like for me… and probably not for most people. Tanaris looks like daytime at all times of day. Whatever is going on, you apparently have the one graphics card on the planet that the game actually works with.

I highly, highly doubt that.

Tanaris does not look like that for me. Im with Zyria, Is this a texture or graphics card issue? I got a recently new PC and graphics card (MSI GEforce RTX 2060 Super for Direct x12 ), so idk what’s up.

and RE: the Retail Weather, Old world zones from cata and pre-cata do not have weather effects. BFA (And SL) has it with their new zones which is probably the only positive thing from these xpacs, but older zones lost their weather somehow during Cata and it never really got fixed.

You’re not waiting long enough. Show a screenshot of what Tanaris looks like at MIDNIGHT for you. Midnight server time, take a screenshot and post it here.

Here’s a screenshot I took around the launch of BfA in Redridge with an Inky Black Potion:

Oh, this one was in Elwynn Forest:

And just for good measure, here’s a screenshot from the remastered Arathi Basin:

Could be it, Ill try on the weekend as 12AM ST on Grobbulus is 3AM EST to me and really really late.

And damn, there is weather in old zones again! TIL. Arathi Basin looks sooo nice under a rainstorm.

But on actual (confirmed) light bugs, That dumb lighting bug with glowy/enchanted weapons reflecting off the ground as if everything is glassy/reflective is driving me nuts. Did the temp ‘fixes’ of going from DX12 to 11 and changing your ground density from 1, apply then max out again (and apply) to attempt to remove it, and it still shows up. haven’t seen Blizz talk about it but lots of complaints on that glowy circle that follows around you. X_X

I can guarantee that’s exactly it. I waited in Tanaris and it was still bright out at 9:30 P.M. server time. It didn’t really start to get dark until around or after 11:00 P.M.

Been that way for years. These screenshots are all from 2019-2020. I’ve got a bunch more too.

People are too quick to jump on the “it’s broken” bandwagon before looking at the reasons why they’re not seeing things as they remember them. Weather is rare, it is in Classic too. Nights are tied to server time and they get progressively darker as midnight approaches. People used to remember the nights being super dark, that’s because we used CRT monitors with massive glare and deep black levels back in the day.