Lightforged/Lightbound Human

So on AU draenor the lightbound are currently reforging the mag’har, draenei and seemingly most living things etc, whether willingly or by force.

Is there anything in the lore that would go against a human toon being lightforged whether via The army of the light or the Lightbound (au) ? Even when unlocking the LF draenei when playing a human, they acknowledge that while your race is not the norm it’ll do. Obviously in a more elegant way, but that is along the lines of what they said.

So would there be any reason this would be frowned upon if my backstory fleshes it out in detail?

Thanks in advance

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Turalyon is lightforged and he’s Human.


Yeah which was certainly inspiration; but I guess my question was would people frown upon me rp’ing as one?

Might depend on how much of a stickler you (or the players around you) are for lore…

I personally wouldn’t go down the road of being AU Lightbound with a human strictly because of what we’ve been given lore wise - it is a Draenei/Mag’har/Ogre faction. It was the Horde who went back to AU Draenor to rescue the Mag’har - so your human wouldn’t have been a part of that return to AU Draenor, nor would I be inclined to believe your human was “left behind” during WoD times and then “returned” to MU as a result of the Horde rescuing the Mag’har. (You may not have even really been asking about this or implying you were thinking of going down this road - but I thought I would share my opinion since you did mention the Lightbound.)

For the Lightforged… I would be inclined to say this is strictly a Draenei sect of the Army of the Light. Yes, you’re right, they do allow you as a player (regardless of race) to take part in the trial, but… to me that is one of those things that is more about game mechanics than lore. Obviously Blizzard wasn’t about to say “you can only unlock Lightforged if you do their scenario as a Draenei.” … but honestly this is one of those things that might come down to more of a personal opinion and/or how strictly you follow lore. I personally would say it is Draenei only.

Whether or not you can argue that Turalyon is “Lightforged” is a matter of semantics… He is not Lightforged in the capacity of being a member of the Lightforged as an organization/sect. Again, that appears to be strictly Draenei. Turalyon also did not undergo the trials to become Lightforged as far as I am aware. Turalyon’s “Lightforged”-ness is a result of his relationship with Xe’ra. Xe’ra blessed him personally. So, while yes you can argue that Turalyon is Lightforged - he is not Lightforged in the same capacity as the Draenei… and yes, it would likely be frowned upon if your character was blessed personally by Xe’ra (or any Naaru) to become immortal. Does that mean you shouldn’t do it? That is ultimately for you to decide… but yes, I think it would be frowned upon by most.

Your character is certainly able to have joined up with the Army of the Light since its reappearance in Legion - there would be no problems for you there in simply being a paladin within that order. In order for you to have been a part of the Army of the Light prior to that, however - that is a gray area at best for a human who isn’t Turalyon. The Army of the Light has been out in the great beyond fighting much longer than humans are capable of living - again, unless they are essentially immortal. (Again, not saying you can’t do it… but how much of a stickler are you for lore?)

Ultimately you are free to do or believe whatever you would like about your character - no one can say otherwise. Trouble arises when you interact with others and what they are willing to believe about your character. Some roleplayers don’t mind bending the lore; believing that having fun with your character is most important. Others, however, stick as true to the lore as possible and will challenge characters that go against it. I don’t know what your interests are in that capacity, Orlandeau, nor do I know the type of roleplayers you interact with… so I just tried to give a general overview of problems that you may come up against versus players who really stick true to the lore. If you don’t care for what those players might think/feel about your character - then you do what is most enjoyable for you and your character. :slight_smile:

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Well as far as staying behind during WOD, we directly aid the lightbound and establish a relationship. I don’t see why it would be unbelievable that one would stay if they believed in their cause.

If they stayed then (without bending the lore a bit) they’re not going to be able to show up in the MU until Blizzard shows that the Lightbound have figured out how to escape AU Draenor. It’s no longer connected to Azeroth (I assume the Dark Portal goes to our Outlands again), and the only way we know how to travel between the two is to use a fragment of the Vision of Time.

You can do what you want with your RP, but I don’t think Lightbound would be lore-friendly.

Mage portals existing have shown that travel to and from their is possible, even without the dark portal. Also, if we disregarded the lightbound angle and took the lightforged one, would that be acceptable, generally speaking? Because so far it’s been shown to be possible.

The current mage portals to AU Draenor aren’t canon, and the disconnection with AU Draenor goes beyond the Dark Portal. I recommend you watch the Mag’har Allied Race questline on Youtube or read about it on a wiki if you haven’t done it on your own yet. We had to use a fragment of the Vision of Time with the help of the Bronze Dragonflight to get back there again. Just using a mage portal isn’t an option anymore. This is fact, not theory.

As for the Lightforged… ehhh. It’s possible, and I’m sure that the Army of the Light has gotten a lot of non-Draenei recruits since they joined the Alliance. The only issue is we don’t know how long it would take for someone to prove themselves enough to become Lightforged. I don’t think it would be too much of a stretch, but some roleplayers might have an issue with it.


Thanks for the reply. From the LF quest, I would think the deeds on Argus while aiding the Army of the Light could hold some weight tbh. I think that will be my approach

I really couldn’t care either way. That designation by itself isn’t the determination of whether or not your character merits my interest.

As somebody that already does an odd combo, an actual devout Goblin Holy Priest, I can understand the desire to do what you want. That said, a potential pitfall you may have other players point out is that mastery of the Light takes many many many years of study, on top of the other stuff such as combat to truly be Lights wrath. The Draenei live much longer than humans, and it’s only recently humans have even known about the Lightforged at all. Keep in mind the process lore wise is supposed to be very difficult, and even Draenei that thought they were ready… turn out broken or dead. For a human, the risk would be immense to undergo the Trial.

Thanks for the replies! What we have learned over the last expansion is there are multiple ways for someone to become lightforged. You have Mag’har and other draenor natives being forcefully converted, and then you have those who go through the trials. Also fallen human being raised as lightforged forsaken. They are also part of the alliance now as well, sot here is more exposure. Additionally, the PC spent quite some time in argus serving the The Grand Army of the Light. So I can’t really see it being unreasonable as far as proving ourselves.

Your forgetting one piece of lore that does indeed let our OP be lightbound on Azeroth.

When one does the Maghar recruitment quest at the moment we rescue the orcs to bring them to our world some other races accidentally got pulled with us. If one is observant in this one time quest you can see a Saberon and Botani escape into Durotar. With this knowledge it is theoretically possible a lightbound soldier could’ve been swept up by mistake.

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Thanks for this! So the lightbound angle is absolutely possible within the lore.

Possible but not probable, I would craft a careful story on just why you outta all the other lightbound was swept up. What did you do when you arrived on Durotar? Have you told anyone what happened on draenor? Ect. So possible, but it’s perceived rarity might make others nervous.

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No, it would be kept under wraps as we slowly carry out the lightbounds M.O overtime and carefully find people to join the cause. As far as why- I am an azeroth native and saw an opportunity to return and took it.

It’s likely the lightbound did not know the Mag’har were about to disappear with a time related device and entirely likely the saberon and Botani were not aware they were gonna be swept up. It is likely that if your character was much closer than the other lightbound you might have been accidentally swept up.

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Hmm that does sound much more plausible. Thanks for this!

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